Falmouth 3rd Year Photography Exhibition Committee profile picture

Falmouth 3rd Year Photography Exhibition Committee

End of term Party!!! Monday 12th March from 8pm, @ Qbar.

About Me

Hello! This is the official myspace page of the University College Falmouth Level 3 photography EXHIBITION COMMITEE!!!
We are trying to raise money towards our exhibition, that is sceduled in June at the AOP Gallery.
On 81 Leonard Street,London EC2A, 4QS Telephone +44 (0)20 7739 6669.
The opening of the exhibition and private view will be on Tuesday 26th June with the exhition being open to the public between 10-6 Tuesday - Friday).
EXHBITION CLOSES 4pm Saturday 30th June 2007 .
Please take a moment to read about our current events to raise money and support us by coming and having a laugh with us!!
Falmouth Photography's New website
Here is a link to the Falmouth photography website. The website has been kindly Created, by a couple of students from the 2nd year photography. (Thanks to, Sam Hofman..co workers Dean Lievers and Nic Porter). The website is still under construction, so keep checking it, as they will be new images every day.
Falmouth Photography's New website
End of term Party!!! Monday 12th March from 8pm, @ Qbar. Everybody is welcome.
Falmouth 3rd Photography would like to invite you all to a Night of live Music.
The night will take place at the Woodlane campus bar on thursday the 26th april, and tickets will only cost £3 which can be bought on the door.
Headlining will be
Chunky Kustard - Newquay
Less than me - Plymouth
Pocket Players - Newquay
Hope to see you all there!!!

My Interests

Your Committee:
Simon Ledder
Matt Lysenko
Nicola Cooke
Dorcas Brown
Oli Haines
Beth Nash
Danni Ponsillo
Cat Whitworth
Faye Joines
Dave Shackleton

I'd like to meet:

Previous Events:

The Eighties Party

Below are some images from the Eighties Party, an event that was held to raise money for our London exhibition. The event took place on the twenty-third of November at the Gyllyngvase Beach Café. As you can see, there was a great turn out and a real effort was made by everyone in costume. We had some great feedback from those who came and everyone had an enjoyable night. The evening was such a success, that there are plans to hold future events at the same venue.



My Blog

Print Auction Letter Template (Photography Third Years)

Hi everyone. I just thought i would post the letter template on the myspace, becasuse many of you have been asking for it. This should make it very easy for anyone who needs it. Just copy and paste in...
Posted by Falmouth 3rd Year Photography Exhibition Committee on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 07:04:00 PST