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About Me

Il gruppo si forma nel febbraio del 2006 da cinque compagni di bevute che dopo molto parlare si sono finalmente decisi ad agire!!! In questo progetto convergono le esperienze dei singoli elementi: Giane chitarrista dei DRUNK SIDE (Hardcore Milano), Gigge cantante dei GROWING DEAD (R.I.P.), Teo ex cantante dei BROKEN DESIGN (Alternative Metal), Davide chitarrista dei BUEURBANO (Alternative Indie) e Kern che porta la birra (Alcholic Metal). Nel Marzo 2007 Davide lascia la Band per motivi di lavoro e al suo posto subentra Patrick, batterista dei METALLICUNT (Metallica Cover Band).

Scusateci per la qualità del suono, ma per il momento esistono solo registrazioni iper-amatoriali...
Speriamo al più presto di avere un suono un pò più decente!

The Band was formed in Feb 2006 by five friends for the drunk who, after much talking, at least get in action!! Every element brings his personal experience to this project: Giane is the guitar player in DRUNK SIDE (Hardcore Milano), Gigge is the singer in GROWING DEAD (R.I.P.), Teo is the ex singer in BROKEN DESIGN (Alternative Metal), Davide plays guitar in BUEURBANO (Alternative Indie) and Kern who brings beers (Alcholic Metal). In March 2007 Davide leaves the Band for working problems and Patrick, METALLICUNT's drummer (Metallica Cover Band) takes his place.

We apologize for the sound quality but for the moment we have only home made records...
We hope to have a better record as soon as possible!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/20/2006
Band Members: TEO : Vocals
GIGGE : Guitar
GIANE : Guitar
KERN : Bass

Past Member:
DAVIDE : Drums

obituary - slayer - sepultura - pantera - crowbar - malevolent creation - hateplow - entombed - down - kreator - carcass - six feet under - cannibal corpse - napalm death - nasum - cephalic carnage - rotten sound -hatebreed - sick of it all - integrity - biohazard - madball - motorhead - ramones - jello biafra - ratos de porao..........
Sounds Like: ...A ROTTEN CARCASS!!!!!!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None