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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Many many many things...READINGWRITINGWALKING
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LOTS!!!! Too much to mention here Mais j'adore Sting beaucoup beaucoup
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Sting & The Police - Roxanne
Add to My Profile | More VideosRise and Fall - Craig David & Sting
Add to My Profile | More VideosSting - Shape Of My Heart
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LORD OF THE RINGS (trilogy) Harry Potter movies Ben Hur Bridget Jones Kelly's Heroes Gone with the Wind Monty Python and the Holy Grail Life of Brian Excalibur Godfather II then I Roman Holiday Sense and Sensibility Die Hard and ANYTHING with MEL GIBSON CUZ I LUUUUVV HIM!!!
dont watch much tv if i do its usually ESPN or the News or any historical documentary. and reruns of the two best shows ever on tv...bewitched and I dream of jeannie
You Are Pretty Logical
You're a bit of a wizard when it comes to logic
While you don't have perfect logic, you logic is pretty darn good
Keep at it - you've got a lot of natural talent in this area!
How Logical Are You?
lots name a century ive tried to read a book from it. Just bought a book written in early medieval England about the rights of women after the plague. With the work force being so deciminated women were (as usual during most centuries when labor force becomes depleted) took up the plow the axe the pen and rolled up their sleeves. They get uppity these women when men arent around...wink wink.
my son and daughter and my father who just passed away.
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Your Personality Is
Rational (NT)
You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!
Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.
You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.
In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.
At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.
With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.
As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.
On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.
The Three Question Personality Test
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