"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable"I LOVE...GOD, my daughter Iris (the fairest of them all), warm rain, sea turtles, psychology, lightening storms, confidence, iguanas, being underestimated, falling asleep outside on a sunny day, vocabulary, old women who wear holiday sweaters, the Appalachian trail, Kobe Bryant (before he cheated on his wife), National Parks, Joel Osteen, cool bridges, Aunt Jemima (the character, not the syrup), hairbands of the late 80s and early 90s (SIRIUS 23), people with an inflated sense of self importance i.e. Donald Trump, walking barefoot in grass, dreaming about Africa, Joan Anderson, dolphins, brie, being alone, hot tubs, Jeopardy, hot air balloons, eating icing, throwing grenades, unique hotels, Rutgers University and my boys that go there..esp my love..ROB (not Boston), ice cream sprinkles, gorillas, jumping rope, reading travel essays, praying, funny arguments, old people holding hands, warm bread, Wisconsin (although I have never been there), reality TV, philly cheesesteaks, hiking, sushi, Bill O'Reilly (I hate him some days too), Halloween, playing basketball, the boardwalk, swimming laps, the smell of gasoline and wet sidewalks, Peanut Butter anything, weird museums, drawing cartoons, sociology, optimistic people, Sunday, being a mother, Irises, red wine, Building 429, KJ-52, all songs that are about rain or have rain in the title (Purple rain, November rain, Have you ever seen the rain?), waterfalls, Boston Rob, The Eagles (although I am not sure why other than out of obligation), seeing my dad smile, "I'll Be Missin You" by Puff Daddy (probably because there is rain in the video), really big dumb dogs, playing tennis, retirement communities, Huge trees, pumpkin ice cream, tough guys, The Movies: Rudy, Remember the Titans, Fight Club and G.I. Jane, old school roller skating, getting punched (uhh---yeah--not sure why), porcupines, laughing so hard that it hurts, stationary and stickers, Hawaii, the rainforest, doing something I am afraid of, high heels, gutsy chicks, the Army, purple, black, and turquoise, people who think they know it all...and those of us who do, gratitude, turning 30, ...everything about my life!!I am so greatful to God for allowing me to receive such abundance in my life. I am so blessed and thankful for all that He has done for me. I am most greatful for the loves in my life..Iris, Her Daddy--Big Al, Rob, and my family.
Legally Blonde, The Sweetest Thing, Rudy, Shallow Hal, Beautiful Girls, Remember the Titans, GI Jane, and documentaries.THANKS FOR THE SEXIEST PIRATE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE FULLER1469!!!!
Pirate Master, Entourage, Joel Osteen, Ace of Cakes, Travel Shows, Dateline, Top Chef, and FOX news.
My Favorite Books are: Dishwasher, Posterity: Letters of Great Americans to Their Children, (Joan Anderson Books: Thoughts of An Unfinished Woman, A Walk on the Beach...), The Power of Now, The Bible, The Purpose Driven Life, travel essays written by women solo travelers, Your Best Life Now, and all sociology books about women's issues and counter-cultures.
My Heros are Iris, Pete Jordan (AUTHOR OF THE BEST BOOK EVA) soldiers...esp Big Al, Joel Osteen, Joan Erikson, Sojourner Truth, and Oprah.
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