James Dean, Traveling (I lived in Europe and LOVE Italy...been there several times), Movies, Music, Shows, Tennis, my dog Spyder...cause seriously folks, he is the bomb.
A real Samurai, anyone of the Astronauts that landed on the moon, and a lunch with anyone from the Forbes 500 top CEO's.Seriously though, I'm down to meet anyone that isn't a major jackass, please if your 16 and trying to add me, just don't.If you dig tattoos, music, shows, travelling, tennis, laughing at people when they trip, and a good ol fashioned fart joke...hit me up.As Vanilla Ice would say, "Word to your mother.".. width="425" height="350" ....
Anything in Black and White.....50's movies (Film Noir, Crime Drama, Suspense). Yakuza films, documentaries, indy films, anything Billy the Kid related including Young Guys Uno and Dos, did I mention B&W movies?, just please nothing w/ aliens..that shit is really creepy.
Miami Vice. A lot of news FOX, MSNBC. Discovery Channel, National Geographic, AMC, TCM, anything that actual is stimulating (to the mind that is...get your mind out of the gutter myspace friend!)The best show and the best clip on TV ever........THE BEST COMMERCIAL EVER:.. width="425" height="350" ....
Enron: The Smartest Men In the Room, christ, too many books to list..but damn those books on CD are helpful.
Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, Tom Herman, Joesph Park.. width="425" height="350" ....