BASS PLAYER MIKE profile picture


Nashville Bassist

About Me

************************************************************ *************** *****************TO ALL!! NEED YOUR HELP!! PLEASE READ!!!********************** WHILE BUILDING MY PAGE I ADDED THE GREATEST PLAYER OF ALL TIMES MR.JAMES JAMERSON. HE IS A LEGEND AND AN AMAZING PLAYER. ON HIS PAGE "JAMES JAMERSON" THERE IS A VIDEO ABOUT HIS BASS "THE FUNK MACHINE" WHILE HE LAID IN THE HOSPITAL DURING HIS LAST DAYS. SOMEONE STOLE THAT BASS, I'M TRYING TO HELP GET IT BACK TO HIS FAMILY. PLEASE POST OR ADD THIS TO YOUR PAGE. LETS GET HER HOME. ************************************************************ ************** ************************************************************ ***************Here you will find a history about me and my music endeavors. The songs on the jukebox are bands that I have recorded, played with and some are original scores "BPM". Moving to Nashville from Los Angeles. I started playing music well over 35 years ago and started playing Bass 30 years ago. My influences are far and wide. Just grab Rolling Stone's "Encyclopedia of Rock And Roll" or turn on your radio and you find someone who has effected me musically. I also would have to say that playing with others has influenced me greatly. I can't really say what style I play, its up to the musical situation I'm in. The song might need just a simple bass line "could be one note for 3.5 minutes" or some riff that blows your mind. I never know until I plug in. I have a arsenal of Basses but my favorite ones are my Fender Hot Rod P basses. They sustain like no other bass I own or have played. I use Ampeg "amps" I use no effects live. Yep! nothing between me and my amp but a 30 ft cord. One of my favorite things to do as a player, is to play live without ever hearing the music. Straight out of the box, you never know what kind magic going to happen. I've had people reading charts from across the room ask me "How can you read this from there" My response "I can't". I'm blessed to have great ears and fast fingers. Most people that see me play say I have a classic tone and unique style. I am not a "Virtuoso". I just love my wood and steel and the amp that I feel. J John Paul Jones, Bill Wyman, Geddy Lee, Steve Harris, John Entwistle,Tom Hamilton,Cliff Williams, Chris Squire, Billy Sheehan, Michael Anthony, Ron Wood,Jaco Pastorius, Barry Oakley, Leon Wilkeson, Geezer Butler, Raymon Burrell, Joe Bouchard,Jack Bruce, Dennis Dunaway, Steven Stills, Nick Semper,Timothy B. Schmit, John McVie, Nick Jameson, I hear it all. I'm not a popper "Flea" or Picker, even though I can. I'm a finger player. I've been very lucky and have performed on TV, recorded for Movie sound tracks, Radio and I even done some Modeling for music magazine articles. I've played stages so small that the bands on the floor and the drummer's on stage to Big Arenas.+ MORE TO COME: VIDEOS,PHOTOS AND MORE MUSIC+______________________________________________________ _________________________________ TO ALL MY SPACE FRIENDS. I'M TRYING TO ROTATE MY FRIENDS WITHOUT GOING RANDOM. I DO HAVE MY HEROS AND THEY WILL STILL BE ON MY TOP LIST. FOR ALL MY NEW FRIENDS FROM AROUND THE WORLD, YOU WILL BE UP AND YOU WILL BE DOWN, BUT YOU ARE STILL AROUND. THANKS FOR TURNING ME ONTO SOME FINE MUSIC AND I THANK MYSPACE FOR THIS COOL SITE..... ALWAYS KEEPING IT LOW~~~PEACE ALL AND THANKS, BPM

My Interests


Member Since: 11/16/2006
Influences:Profile Edited by MySpace Editor*
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie