Saving the world one beat at a time...
I've already met her...
I could list a bunch of bands I listen to and you've probably already heard of... Instead, I am asking you to check out these bands of friends and fellow musicians. Herrr goes : DIVIDE THE DAY, TheDear&Departed, MyFiction, VictoryWithin, O.K.Stranger, NeveahTears, OddProject, LowerDefinition, StoleYourWoman, ADHD, Cockpit, SLOTH, InThisMoment, Flatline, Ketacet, TheAmplifires, Slab, TheCripplingEffect, Laydlaw, NationalProduct, Eudora, Phathom, OverIt, TheHumanAbstract, D.O.R.K, BloodOnTheTracks, CloseToHome, Afterdrama, DeadRinger, Stepshort, Ironhead, Go Like Hell, CentrifugalForces, Albatross and there are so many more. Please check out and support your local music... You will make a difference!
Shawshank Redemption, Salton Sea, Boondock Saints, Half Baked, Little Miss Sunshine, The Dark Crystal, Lost Boys, Wonderland, True Romance, Dazed and Confused, Visitor Q, Gummo, KiDS, STARWARS! Too many to list... Any scary movies, anything by Wes Anderson and of course, Kevin Smith flicks.
Angels and Demons, Helter Skelter, The Zombie Survival Handbook, Dharma Punx
My parents, My beautiful grandmother who gives me great inspiration, my fam, Derrick Plourde, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Neil Peart, Gene Kruppa, Buddy Rich, Billy Cobham.
I've found my fish...