Fidelity in D Minor profile picture

Fidelity in D Minor


About Me

I fiend a man I cannot have. Him, I would give my whole heart to.
Danielle Fidelity invites you to SocialVibe
My good friend takes sweet photos...

Rainn Wilson by Tyler Shields

Have faith in nothing, or you'll believe in everything. I believe in the receptor when we fuck. We fuck to songs that have no rhythm, and that's why I'm so in love with you.
I've become something I can't control and you will have your false ideas of who I am. You don't know, you won't know.. but please keep trying. Confidence is the most attractive part of a person. I've changed so much since I've been on this website, and I continue to keep changing. Don't hide who you are, ever. I like blood, I like dead people, I like things you would never imagine. My mind and my appearance don't seem to go together. I like out of the ordinary. I like strange. I'm attracted to people who are NOT "normal". Before you judge someone, CONSIDER why they are the way they are. I love haters, I love shit talking, I love people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I'm tired of writing this.. and I need a bottle of whiskey.


Unless you are..
- covered in blood
- an alcoholic
- a photo slut
- really fucking hot
I will not date you! Stop trying.
..and it definitely won't happen if your name is Jose, Carlos, or P. Diddy.. motha fucks!
Piece me apart. You all know my details better than I know them myself. Left side contributes to nothing more than rock 'n rum.. right is all a mind of its own. Drive through my mind and do not fucking stop for the trail of dead...
My online store..


There is no sarcasm in these words and we are all perfect. At least I am. I enjoy things I don't understand. Like you.. and me. I am not looking for answers, but I will ask questions. God is man made. See: figure 1. We (you + I) bring others down because we don't understand. We won't understand. We could understand. Live, work, play, think, act, lie, create, forgive, love, die alone. Are you comfortable yet?
Figure 1.
When sending me a message or a comment..
You will not receive a reply if:
Your default picture is of anything other than yourself. If I wanted to talk to Paris Hilton or anyone in My Chemical Romance, I'd find them myself.
Your Myspace name ends with at the Disco or is Legend.
You type LikE tHiS aNd ThE OnLy tHiNgS in your general interests are cuddling, boys, and Fall Out Boy. Boys, that also applies to you.
You can't use English. If you say things like hey lolz I like ur hair I was wondering if u could whore me well hit me up l8ter k peace or damn gurl u fine holla at me. No you illiterate fuck, I will not HOLLER AT YOU.
You call me hot, sexy, ask for more pictures, and/or ask if we can meet anywhere. Stop being a creep.
You FEEL THE NEED TO TYPE IN ALL CAPS. Your keyboard has a Caps Lock button for a reason, use it.
You thank me for adding you.
You are a self-proclaimed model. Just because you and your friends like to take pictures of yourselves on a weekly basis in your living room, backyard, bathroom, and garage.. does not mean you are a model.
You assume that by me posting this, it means I think I'm better than everyone else simply because they can't use full words. I happen to be a fan of WORDS so if you can't USE THEM.. don't.
I will, however, reply to you if:
You can spell.
You can read.
You can start up a decent conversation.
You are attractive (I have no reason to lie to you).
We share music interests.
I think we can benefit from one another.
You live in the area and seem interesting.
Once again, if you can spell.. its most likely Ill want to talk to you.
There are ERRORS in this profile in hopes some of you will FIND them. Can you?
Spread the DF love..
Copy and paste everything in the box for the banner above.
Photo by Tyler Shields.
Avoid taking anything I say too seriously.
Im a fan of words. I enjoy putting them together and taking them apart (not the words themselves.. more like forming sentences, and novels.. and soliloquies). Im also a fan of literacy. In which case, please refrain from using u and ur when engaging in an e-exchange of words (hate mail included). Im very aware some people like to think using shorthand saves time. Well, if you cant spell out a full word you happen to use everyday, dont bother sending a message. It will save your time, and mine. This includes, but is not solely subject to, the proper use of your, youre, there, their, and theyre. Reading and writing is taught in school for a reason, enjoy it while you can. I dont expect you to be a mastermind, just THINK before you SPEAK.
Im also a fan of lifeism. GOD thought it would be a good idea for people to take an hour (or 5) out of each Sunday to go somewhere new and appreciate anything at all. GOD also thought it would be wise to brush up on science (or another field of interest) in that time. GOD mentioned that doing service or just being really nice would suffice as well. In LIFEism: all donations are to be researched contributions to a worthy charity or to the community in which you live. Sins are completely relative to environment and genetics, and are to be taken up with your fellow man. Repentance likewise. Clergy will be self-appointed mentors that know anything you dont. The only commandments are 1. Be a good person as best you can; all cases are relative to the individual. 2. Live as much life as you can. 3. Pursue something you deem worthy of your time in your relatively short amount on earth. 4. Respect all. Basically, Im against religion. I find God to be a comfort zone for those who can't grasp the concept of morals without reasoning or hope for a prize. Some will say blind faith is the key. Some will also say they are right, despite others uncertainty. I say no one knows. Some would like to, some seem to think they do, some dont care.. but when it comes down to facts.. we have none. Im not saying atheism is any better either. Atheism, much like Christianity, is also based on blind faith. Which, unfortunately, seems to intervene with ones demeanor. Id like to believe I can fall back on something like a deity. Fortunately, I have more substantial entities. (Forgive me if you need a dictionary to help you with comprehending this profile.) ;)
For your questions: My name is Danielle. Im 19. Ive lived in Orange County my entire life and I cant explain it any better than being grateful. I graduated high school at 16, which was possibly one of the best decisions Ive ever made. Ive never had a set group of friends and I do intend to keep it that way. I enjoy new faces and new ideas. I do care what you think (contrary to popular belief). Care meaning: I think it over. Care not meaning: I will change for you. I plan to work in the music industry, which is why Ill be going to school for music business sometime next year. I wont help your band because I know you. I WILL help your band if I like your music and/or think other people will like it. I plan to BE something, this will not change.. and I guarantee you it will happen. With that said, do not get in my way. If your intention is to fuck me over, I suggest you think it over first. Im not a mean person at all; I just know what I want.. and when I want something.. I will get it. I dont expect or want things to come to me. Id rather work for money than have it fall into my lap (although a large indefinite amount of money would be rather helpful, haha). JUST REMEMBER: Multicolored hair and makeup does not mean there is no brain activity (as Zeeda would say). I don't look at myself as being better than anyone else solely because I have thousands of friends on a website. But once again, make your mark.. I have, will, and continue to.
You WILL NOT compare to her.

My Interests

AIM - DanielleFidelity

dead girls
zombie comics
waffles & ice cream
strawberry smoothies
italian food
driving down streets at night with the windows down and the heater on
anyone who plays Galaga
5 1/2 in. platforms
driving down PCH at night
cutting up clothes
nonverbal intelligence
sunset blvd. and it's many, many creeps
horror movies
the beach at night
red tide
helpin' out bands
mini coopers
Camille Rose Garcia
deformed dolls
siQ tattoos
blood red

I'd like to meet:

Jesse Lacey
Mike Ness
Bela Lugosi
Kevin Smith
Richard Branson
Jack White
Kate Beckinsale
Justin Pierre
Cyndi Lauper
Mitch Hedberg
Hugh Laurie
Anthony Kiedis
Corey Hart (Corey, not Carey)

This lovely deer...


My favorites, in no order..

Paolo Nutini
Psyclon Nine
The White Stripes
Dallas Green
Brand New
Down to Earth Approach
Acid Bath
The Streets
Deadstar Assembly
Daft Punk
The A-Sides
Dead Poetic
Social Distortion
Foo Fighters
Watashi Wa
The Plastics
Silversun Pickups
Rage Against the Machine
Motion City Soundtrack
Lily Allen

Check out my boys.. and a few girls.

Takeover Records

Secrets Kept in Suicide


The Roe

Modern Day Escape


The Confession

Upon Beauty Rests

Just Surrender

Sick City

With Hearts of Heroes

Never Enough

my my Misfire

Deadly Dose

The Secret Handshake

So They Say

The Spencer Outfit

Norma Jean

Forever the Sickest Kids

The Unseen

Blessed by a Broken Heart

The Light Season

It's Like Love

Less Than Jake


Men Women & Children

The Classic Crime

Carpe Diem

Family Force 5



I Am Ghost


Sky Eats Airplane

The Dreaming



The Devil Wears Prada

Eighteen Visions


Rookie of the Year


No One Goes Home

Victory Within


On the Last Day

Analog Sway

American Eyes

Drop Dead, Gorgeous




A Heartwell Ending

National Product


The City Drive

The Prisoners Dilemma


2nd Day Crush

Twilight City Fracture


Versus the Mirror

Escape the Fate

It Dies Today

Bury Our Own

Scars of Tomorrow

Scary Kids Scaring Kids

Bleed the Dream

Like Lions


Stranger Than Fiction
Fight Club
The Number 23
Across the Universe
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Silent Hill
Grandma's Boy
The Lake House



My Blog

PHOTO PASS: An Exhibit of Music Photography

Everyone come and hang out... make sure to bring some cash if you're thinking about buying prints. ;)
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:39:00 PST

I don’t cry.

I sweat from my eyes.Justin Timberlake will not leave my current playlist.
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:47:00 PST


Some of my favorite things..ahahahahah........
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 01:02:00 PST

Fuckin Steven tagged me. Heres random shit..

Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with ten random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose ten people to be tagged list their names and why you chose them. Do...
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:41:00 PST

Would you rather...? Part 1

Would you rather never brush your teeth again or never shower again?Things to consider: Baths count as showers.
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 04:07:00 PST

Regarding fake profiles.

I am now on Facebook. I am not on any other website besides Myspace, Facebook, and Inked Nation.. if you see any others, they are FAKE profiles. Click the picture below to be my friend on Facebook.......
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 10:25:00 PST

Three reasons I love Nicholas Wiggins.

1. He sends me pictures like this:2. His name is ZOMBIE NICHOLAS.3. He is the completion to the only two people I trust completely....
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:36:00 PST

Let's be real life friends.

My "irl" friends will (and do) only consist of alcoholics, touring lushes, people who will not leave the house until everything feels right, and liars (yes, you) in bands. I wish I could stop the worl...
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 04:47:00 PST

Best thing a bum has said.. ever.

Before the club outside:"Can I get some spare change for chocolate milky donuts? ..or weed and beer? ..or an 8 ball? ..or a Chinese hooker?"After the club outside:"I found alcohol and pie......... but...
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 01:55:00 PST


My ONLINE STORE through LOUD Merch is officially live! A few of the shirts are below.. more to come FOR SURE! Do your Christmas shopping a LITTLE early.. ;)..or just rep. my face everywhere! Haha! Cli...
Posted by Fidelity in D Minor on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:19:00 PST