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R. Babers

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Please go buy "Beautiful Tragedy", the debut CD of my best friend Maria's band, IN THIS MOMENT!!!

I AM MADLY AND DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH MY FAVORITE FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD, MARIA BRINK, WHO HELPS TAKE CARE OF MY HEART... She is my sister and my best friend... she helps me to see what I can be... and loves me more than I can believe!...

This is the most fabulous place you can go to get your make-up done or skin pampered! My sweet friend Cathryn's shop...

...And my baby doll- my dear, dear friend Carl-
who makes me smile by just saying his name...
My absolute favorite pic!

My Interests

Me and my little brother Steven, the love of my life...

My brother used to always say, "Only boring people get bored" -- so I keep it so that everything interests me... Everyday above ground is a good day, right? I love fresh eucalyptus, and I love the treatment at Burke Williams Spa called Emilee's Intrigue-- definetly try it one day. I love watermelon.
I love the beach.
Laying on the sand, especially right at the point where you have been out all day and you know you should go in but the twilight is coming and you stay just because in a few minutes it will be cooler, and then you sit with your towel and sunglasses and watch the sun hit the water and for a few moments, it creates that beautiful path... the golden one that you know if you could just walk on that everything would make sense.

I'd like to meet:

The things in my heart and soul...

Bearing the burden of a secret storm,
sometimes she wishes she was never born.
Through the wind and the rain,
she stands hard as a stone
in a world that she can't rise above;
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place
where she's loved...
Concrete Angel

David Anthony Wagner - Always in my heart 12/29/04


Ok, so my all time favorite is Depeche Mode. Love them, always will. No really, I am their ..1 fan... and if you doubt that, ask ANYONE who is around me... I just went to three (3) concerts in three (3) nights!................... ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ I LOVE metal when it is "In This Moment" my dear, dear friend Maria's band.
They are HUGELY up and coming, and she was/is a true friend and love of my brother's-the song "Legacy of Odio" is written about him (go look at my blog for a personal expose)- ... you will see some of the lyrics to this song in the LOWER LEFT corner of my brother's headstone... ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------I love techno when I am dancing like crazy and everyone is going nuts. I love hip hop when I am out in a club on a Saturday night. I love country when the lyrics are profound and deep and I am singing them with my brother in the living room like fools using the remotes as microphones; ie) Tim McGraw-"Just to See You Smile", Garth Brooks-"The Dance". (sigh)


The Princess Bride, Ever After, 50 First Dates, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, The Lord Of The Rings (all of them!), A Christmas Story


I FUCKING LOVE SOUTH PARK. I cannot get enough of it and it makes me crack up so hard I can't even sit still - even when I am by myself!
My favorite episodes is STILL when the OC kids "serve" the SP kids and they have a dance off... and the one where Stan's grandpa wants him to kill him and calls him Billy the whole time- and then locks him in his room to listen to Orinoco Flow so he can see what it feels like in his body. I can't stop laughing... and then they try to hoist and drop a cow on him... Oh dear god, it kills me!!
Will & Grace, and I love that my friends laugh and tell me that I am Karen. The Simpsons of course, as it is my brother's all time favorite, and we would say that every event in life can be summed up in one Simpsons episode. Desperate Housewives because it is like Melrose Place used to be and I loved being wrapped up in something so ridiculous. I love Grey's Anatomy- I am Mrs. McDreamy, married to Patrick Dempsey...


Steven Nicholas Odio, my little brother. My other half, the love of my life. The reason I get out of bed in the morning... the reason I smile. He is the reason why I will NOT settle- why we all get to have everything and everyone we want in life. The depth of my love and of my anguish. A soul so beautiful it could not be bound to the earth.

My Blog

My daddy went to Heaven to be with my brother

Saturday, October 20th, 2007 11:19am You may or may not know by now...My daddy went to Heaven yesterday at 11:19am... I was right by his side until the very very end...and was there when my brother ca...
Posted by R. Babers on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:28:00 PST

Dire opinion needed...

I would love to get your opinion/thoughts on this subject- from everyone on my friend's list... please think about it and tell me what you would do or what you think...If you were diagnosed with cance...
Posted by R. Babers on Thu, 10 May 2007 11:15:00 PST

Whispers of October 15th... Grief to Grace

So I've been thinking and thinking, and October 15th is coming... thinking and thinking.... 2 years, wow. On Sunday October 15th we will be gathering at the site, at 11am. We would love for this to be...
Posted by R. Babers on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 01:23:00 PST

THE "Legacy of Odio"; written and performed by "In This Moment"

  This is the Legacy of Odio!!!!   As I lie in this moment Frozen since that day I've been drowning in questions Over and over again   I want you I miss you Your legacy will liv...
Posted by R. Babers on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 01:28:00 PST

"Missing Him" by Maria Brink

I love your brother more every day and his wonderful face and hugs and smiles and wonderful smell.................his words his special little suprises................his dancing...............his cra...
Posted by R. Babers on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 02:06:00 PST

Who You'd Be Today?

Sunny days seem to hurt the most. I wear the pain like a heavy coat. I feel you everywhere I go. I see your smile, I see your face, I hear you laughin' in the rain. I still can't believe you're gone. ...
Posted by R. Babers on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 07:02:00 PST

Legacy of Odio

This is the Legacy of Odio!!!!!!   As I lie in this moment Frozen since that day I've been drowning in questions Over and over again I want you I miss you Your legacy will live on I thank y...
Posted by R. Babers on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand times And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry Is how long must I wait to be with you I ...
Posted by R. Babers on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Prayer

I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go And help us to be wise in times when we don't know Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace T...
Posted by R. Babers on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hold On

Hold on Hold on to yourself For this is gonna hurt like hell Hold on Hold on to yourself You know that only time will tell What is it in me that refuses to believe This isn't easier than the re...
Posted by R. Babers on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST