V-Malice profile picture



About Me

V-Malice was formed on Tuesday 30th of May 2006, in Trieste, Italy. Initially the band was made up of 5 elements: voice, bass guitar, keyboards, guitar and drums. The choice of making 2 covers of 80s songs is because of the love V-Malice have for the music of those years, their idea is to combine two quite popular songs, in a goth/avantgarde way. Because of ideological and musical inconsistencies, Veruma, Chris and Dok, given that the feeling between them, decided to continue the project by themselves. The demo "You Spin Me Round" is independently composed, recorded and produced by the definitive line-up with some collaborations. It contains 3 tracks. The first one is a cover of the Dead or Alive song "You Spin Me Round", the following song "Prayer" is the first original track from the band, and V-Malice are very proud of it. The last song is a cover of the famous "Mad World" from Tears For Fears. V-Malice's demo is printed on mini-cds with limited printing of 150 copies, hand numbered. It was released at the first V-Malice's party, in Trieste, in an alternative pub called Keg's, on the 5th of December 2006. For the occasion the band made their first dj set with the collaboration of Dj Franz. Keg's pub was very full of people, and the band sold a lot of demos. After that party V-Malice have done other Dj Sets after some important concerts, and shows in some local clubs obtaining always amazing results. Nowdays the band is preparing new promising songs and in some months they will start to do gigs and to record a new cd.
New year, new guitarist. Zak is the new guitarist of V-malice. His nu metal influences led the band to a more aggressive sound, while exploring and expanding a little the melodic and electronic part.
V-malice are still playing in dj sets and organizing parties in Trieste.
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/15/2006
Band Members: Veruma - Vocals

Vampire Chris - Bass

Dok - Synth, FX

Zak - Guitar, Programming

Influences: Gothic, 80s
Type of Label: None

My Blog

13/10/2007 Fashion Resurrection

Tra nostalgia e ricordi il Fashion è tornato per una sera a Trieste.. Luci soffuse, candele e un'improvvisata pista da ballo! Una selezione delle canzoni più note e ballate degli anni d'oro del Fashi...
Posted by V-Malice on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 01:45:00 PST

29/09/2007 serata apertura Borderline

Iniziamo col ringraziare voi che siete stati presenti sperando la serata sia stata di vostro estremo gradimento ;) Un grazie soprattutto a Oreste e Roby, e ai gestori del Alexander Platz che han...
Posted by V-Malice on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 12:19:00 PST

Songs deleted!

Hi people!We deleted the songs in our profile. We were tired of them (and you too, we suppose ;-) ). Why?Lot of things happened. New guitarist, new production skills, new hardware, a little change of ...
Posted by V-Malice on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 01:35:00 PST

Nuova "canzone" nel player

Inserita nel player una piccola canzoncina strumentale intitolata "V x Vecia", probabile soundtrack di un qualche remoto extra di un in-via-di-completamento pseudo-dvd di RobeFatteCacao. Buon Ascolto!...
Posted by V-Malice on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:48:00 PST

07/08/2007 Dj-set Festa @ S.Giusto - Trieste

Ecco la playlist della serata a S. Giusto! Ospite di apertura Luca Panzer.Luca01- christian death - betrayal02- cinema strange - greensward grey03- the march violets - snake dance04- the cult - rain05...
Posted by V-Malice on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 04:12:00 PST

29/05/07 Happy Birthday V-malice Dj-Set Keg's playlist - PRESENTAZIONE ZAK

Grande serata al Keg's per festeggiare il primo anno d'attivita' dei V-malice, con presentazione a mezzanotte del nuovo membro ufficiale del gruppo Zak, nel ruolo di chitarrsta!Un ringraziamento parti...
Posted by V-Malice on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 01:12:00 PST

11/05/2007 Dj-set Das Ich @ RockClub, live report

Un venerdì sera particolarmente... infernale in quel Rock Club!! I grandiosi Das Ich fanno tappa a Ronchi per proporci un grande concerto con vecchi e nuovi successi. La serata tarda ad iniziare, gli ...
Posted by V-Malice on Mon, 14 May 2007 01:53:00 PST

05/05/07 Dj-set Theatres des Vampires @ RockClub

01- dimmu borgir - the serpentine offering02- powerman 5000 - drop the bomb03- gravity kills - guilty04- marilyn manson - this is the new shit05- tiamat - the sleeping beauty06- korn - adidas07- orgy ...
Posted by V-Malice on Mon, 07 May 2007 01:04:00 PST

20/04/2007 Aftershow x Niberath & Headed Nowhere (Tetris club)

Grande serata al Tetris Palace, dopo il concerto dell'ottimo gruppo metal triestino NiberatH e la seguente esibizione live dei bolognesi Headed Nowhere (attualmente in tour europeo) i V-malice hanno p...
Posted by V-Malice on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:58:00 PST

Remix Online

Continua la collaborazione tra Shear Faith e V-Malice. Dopo i riusciti concerti al Keg's Pub e al Tetris, siamo orgogliosi di presentare questo esperimento.La canzone Subhuman Archetype, sentita anche...
Posted by V-Malice on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:36:00 PST