Divinity Void is the "survivings" of Endless Sacrifice. We are a very unique band in the fact that we don't limit ourselves to one style of metal. Where most bands pick one style and stick with it, we do our best to use different styles. One song may be thrash, when the next song may be progressive. When one song is metalcore, then next is symphonic metal. Not only do we play different styles, we sometimes mix styles together, for instance, symphonic metalcore. We want to be different and we want to appeal to all metal fans.
WE ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING for a vocalist to do the screaming, another guitarist, a bassist, and a keyboardest. If any one is interested, just send us a message or email us at divinity [email protected] 4th
The artwork for the banner, flier, and background was done by Derek Prospero (www.derekprospero.com)
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4