Chip profile picture


My homies call me "Vitamin Pee"

About Me

I'm a 5-year old male Chinese Pug (fawn colored). I was born in Casper, Wyoming on May 13, 2001. My bio-dad is named "Smokey" (he is a black pug) and my bio-mom is "Shelby" (she's slightly over-weight and sticks her toungue out most of the time . . . shes fawn colored like me). I love to eat as much as my adopted family will feed me. I weigh approx. 30 pounds!!! My favorite food is absolutely anything, but have a paticular fondness for doughnuts specifically "Krispy Kremes" , but any will do.
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Eating and peeing in the backyard. . . and the occasional bowel-movement (another nickname I've aquired "Poopsmith").

I'd like to meet:

Any and every female dog (bitches) that are single.


Psychobilly, Ska, Punk and Old-school Country.


Milo and Otis


Taco John's commercials featuring "Whiplash" the monkey and anything else involving animals . . . mainly "Animal Planet".I HATE alligators!!!!!




"Whiplash" the Chimp, The Pillsbury Dough Boy, "Powdered Toast Man, and any pug dogs!