If you missed this in the "about me" section... gonna say again... if you want to be put in my "friends" list, you must either know me or have to send me a message first. Now my intersests are.....Feeding my kids, playing with my kids, bathing my kids, talking to my kids, watching cartoons with my kids, washing my kid's clothes, reading to my kids, encouraging my kids, napping with my kids, and my personal favorite: yelling at my kids while driving. And as a family we love the play the game of "crazy family" in stores!!! It's a hoot!! I welcome anyone to come play with us, to get the full effect you have to be in a public place with lots of people who will gauk,stare,and judge you! The main players are: sister the happy toddler in the cart, who insists on saying "hi" to eveyone and then yelling at them when they dont acknowlage her.And: brother the running, wandering very loud little boy (usually singing some kind of christmas song-even in the middle of summer) running up and down the isles.And : mother, the distraught one of the group, who is running after the brother,trying to hold on to the last bit of dignity, and sanity she has!!! It's a great game!!!