Salynna profile picture


Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you...

About Me

STICKY - FRIEND REQUESTS:If I sent you a friend request-- but do not know you-- you'll want to know this: I do not spam. I use this profile as my .. presence for my resources website-- which I am presently (thru most of 2007) upgrading.
I will be shutting down Salynna.Net through the summer and fall. Presntly, the website is not producing-- meaning, insufficient cash flow. So I will need to "reinvent it". In the meantime, feel free to send me friend requests. I will approve them.
Just heard this one:
A psychiatrist draws a picture of a tree on a sheet of paper and shows it to his patient.
The patient says: "That looks like a bunch of naked women to me."
The psychiatrist draws a picture of a house on another sheet of paper and shows it to his patient.
The patient says: "That looks like another bunch of naked women."
The psychiatrist says to his patient: "You seem to be obsessed with naked women."
The patient replies: "Me? You're the one drawing the pictures!" * * * Technorati tags throw a little focus on your page. For musicians, performers this might help a little bit. For example:
Technorati Tag: Soul
Technorati Tag: Rock
Technorati Tag: Pop
Please see my blog for details and code.
* * * Letters from the Undead
Dear Salynna,
Is there any shame in trying to make a buck on the Internet?
Confused and Dazed
Dear Confused and Dazed,
If by "buck" you mean
1. the male of the deer, antelope, rabbit, hare, sheep, or goat.
2. the male of certain other animals, as the shad.
YES! Get your mind out of the gutter! Hurry! Do it now! Faster! Otherwise, I have title and deed to some really neat swampland in Florida. It's got gators and bugs and everythin'. PM me for details and 10% off.
Love, Salynna
Dear Salynna,
My illigitimate UFO baby son (from when I was abducted and probed last week) is growing up faster than I expected. Even though he was born only 1 week ago, he'll be 18 in two days. He says he would like to meet you. Are you nice?
Overprotective Mother
Dear Overprotective
Tell him go to the corner of Callwell & 9th, suck up some air, and hold his breath and wait until I get there. I won't be long, I promise.
Love, Salynna
Dear Salynna,
Why do you want to be my friend?
Dear Cautious,
You just don't get this whole networking thing, do you. Say, when was the last time you left the house?
Love, Salynna
Dear Salynna,
I'm the kind of girl who will try anything once. Am I wrong for being adventurous?
Dear Daredevil,
My friends with the band One-Eyed Dogs are very much into eye accupuncture. Never tried it, but they swear it's really nice.
Love, Salynna
Dear Salynna,
My goldfish Pasquale is creeping me out. It's like he's always staring at me, specially when my boyfriend comes over, and we're on the couch, know. Do you think it's jealous or just perving?
Perved and Blushing
Dear Perved and Blushing,
Not all of us are cut out to be pet owners. If own a pet you must, why not take a few steps down the evolutionary ladder and consider pets with really teeeny tiny eyes-- so any perving won't affect you. Please Google the words: ant farm.
Love, Salynna
Dear Salynna,
Besides .. predators, what is the lowest life form on Earth?
Varmint Hunter
Dear Varmint Hunter,
I know the answer to this one. It's a tie. 1) Webmasters who offer you a free gift, and then won't give it to you unless you give them your email address - and 2) websmasters who sell $1000 how-to-make-money-on-the-internet courses to 1000 people. * Do the math!
Happy hunting!
Love, Salynna
* * * CHRONOLOGICALLY: Just joined. Working on my own resources website to share with my new friends as I make them.
Two Weeks Later: Hey, guess what? Just finished Salynna.Net . I'm proud to announce I showed great restraint and got rid of all pop up ads on the website. I also made the pages a quick load.
I also created a free classic lit website just for my friends. I took some of my favorite books and set them against visually rich graphic backgrounds. Hopefully you will like it. No ads there. Try Elizarius.Net -- and let me know.
My BLOG talks (briefly) about my experiences setting up Salynna.Net , and I will use it to share my webmaster / design experiences.
I am sending out lots and lots friend requests. I want to be one of those with 1000s of friends -- and no band to promote. ;-)
The joys of networking! To share your thoughts and discoveries with 1000s...
P.S. Please POST COMMENTS OFTEN. Lets keep it like a little mini People magazine-- with tomorrow's Superstars today. Just say hi, or even better, tell me what your calendar looks like. What are you promoting this week? Won't it be cool when you're a Superstar and I can brag about how you used to post comments on my profile?
* * * Here's Some Of The New Layouts, images "meshed" for full text clarity.
You can preview all the images at: Salynna's Group - and some more also at: Salynna, The Sequel

My Interests

HTML, PHP, webmaster stuff. Yes, I'm a webmaster, programmer, and designer.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone. How the heck do you time manage that?


Rock, Soundtracks, Broadway shows, jazz. Celine Dion, Patti Lupone -- Fav song has got to be "So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish" ... from the Hitchhiker's Guide.


Fantastic Four, A History Of Violence, The Life Aquatic, The Thomas Crown Affair


Lost, Jericho, Vanished, Men In Trees, Battlestar Galactica (the new one), Doctor Who, Dexter, Farscape, Voyager, DS9, Dead Like Me, Lexx


The Moonstone, anything by Wilkie Collins or Philip K. Dick


Not much for heroes. EXCEPT FOR THE SHOW!! I LOVE THE SHOW Heroes!!!!!!!

Breathe In

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Let Go

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Imogen Heap of Frou Frou October 26, 2005.

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It's Good To Be In Love

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Must be Dreaming

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My Blog

What's Different With My Layouts

1. The image itself is "meshed" - so you anywhere that your words show up on the page: they can be read.2. I use white text ( FFFFFF ) for all the layouts. But you can easily replace the FFFFFF with o...
Posted by Salynna on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 09:55:00 PST

Masked Pics - The answer!

I'm supposed to be working on software, or submitting articles to Article Directories, but I ended up spending the better part of a day and night looking at layouts to get ideas for my own.With rare e...
Posted by Salynna on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:50:00 PST

Crawled by Google - yes!

Got crawled by Google lat night at quarter to midnight- 4899 hits, so Googlebot went through a lot of pages. Hopefully it won't bury me (put me at the bottom of the index)-- but even if it does, artic...
Posted by Salynna on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 03:05:00 PST

Musicians / Performers - Why not TAG your profile?

friends networking sharing photos finding friends blogs journals blogging journaling bands music rate pics join groups forums classifieds online social networkingThese are the keywords all profiles sh...
Posted by Salynna on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 05:54:00 PST


Most of the websites that I purchased turned out to have a lot of broken links. I threw them in the trash as too much trouble to fix.Also thrown in the trash was my original website template for Salyn...
Posted by Salynna on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 02:16:00 PST

LUCKY DAY, Hard Work

It's been a few days sincce I posted. Why?While browsing the 10 gigs of stuff I bought on eBay, I dsicovered some website templates that I could use for a project I have been thinking about for a whil...
Posted by Salynna on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 01:02:00 PST


Sunday turned out to be Shopping Day.I did finish the website template. The Menu boxes gave a run for my money. Tried different styles, tried juggling this and that. How I arrived at the finished prod...
Posted by Salynna on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 01:13:00 PST


Spent all day working on the website template. The weekend as well will dedicated to developing a look for the site. Once that's done, adapting the code to fit in the template will be a bear-- no easy...
Posted by Salynna on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:39:00 PST


My big hope was to discover an Admin section worth a darn. Unfortunately, no such case. Very minimal functionality.The raw site works well, no errors. But it's going to be a nightmare deciphering what...
Posted by Salynna on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 09:43:00 PST

FTP Day - My New Resources Site

So I uploaded the website I bought. And it looked kind of cheesy and didn't have too many resources. Not good at all.So I went surfing and found a better script and bought that.250 megabytes of resour...
Posted by Salynna on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:35:00 PST