I have been inspired to write songs since I was a kid. I've always had a lot to say but I prefer to share it through music. I believe that good music, weather listened to or played, can help you stay healthy and happy. I'm in a band with three unbelievably talented individuals who allow me to grow and create however I am inspired to do so. I don't know what to call our music because the genres have and continue to change so call it what you want. It just feels good .....and powerful to me. My band is Luvplanet and contrary to popular opinion there is no hidden agenda behind the name, we were just looking for something universal. It's funny to me that some people are put off by it and others love it. I guess it just depends on where you're at. (I am a constant student of the human condition!)..... I say, don't be afraid of love...... or anything else for that matter. Life is too short and the world could always use a little more love. We are always playing shows and working on new material so if you see us coming to your town come and check us out. We love to hang out and talk, do shots of Petrone and play kick ass music. I believe it's up to all of us to start gathering again. If we stop the party's over and I'm not ready for that. There is strength in numbers and there's so much more to do, feel and experience together.