Anna Eudosia profile picture

Anna Eudosia

"just point yourself in the direction of your dreams, find your strength into the sound and make you

About Me

Click here to get this skin for your profile! I was born in naples, but i grow up in ischia and then i moved to the fuckin.., foggy, borin.. city of padua. i study philosophy and that..s my passion. i like operas and techno party, but i also like house music and classical and jazz concert. my favourite sport is to read books. in september of 2006 i moved to berlin and i love this city.

My Interests

philosophie,music,art,fashion,design,film,clubbing,shopping, cooking,chocolate,wein, afternoon tea

I'd like to meet:

fucked up people


classic,jazz,opera,techno..and everything with soul!


tarkowski,fellini,bergman,klossowski and many more..


philosopy,classic litterature,essay

