Flying (More of a perk of work than a hobbie), Breakfast cerials, saving the lives of innocent people, educating people via capturing criminals and putting them where they belong, In jail!, Line dancing...
EVERYONE! Breakfast man wants to be everyones freind so please tell all your freinds and add him! any comments might get your life saved one day... If Breakfast man had to choose whether to save someone who commented on his profile or someone who didnt, you know who would be in his arms flying through the skies! You can contact (((( [email protected] )))), any fan mail is appreciated. If you send a good letter, fan art or any of your own creations you might even get a mention on his profile! He especialy likes tributes and is looking for some good flash animations of him.Breakfast man is currently runnig a competition!, like every super hero he needs villan! email any pictures, models or drawings of your villan for him! the best one/s will be posted in Breakfast man!s pictures and on his home page. The winning villan will also be included in an adventure story about Breakfast man that will also be posted here, so GET BUSY! Breakfast minions!..
As he flies by echos of Holding out for a hero by Bonnie Tyler have been heard drifting from his i-pod...
Breakfast man!
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If you have time it would help Breakfast man if you could go to google videos and search for Breakfast man! hero. watch my video again and post a comment, thanks a bunch - The Breakfast man! team.
Superman, all the marvel cartoons, countdown, the big breakfast, Jonny Bravo (Commonly thaught to be his hero).
Has a keen intrest in breakfast cook books.
He is his own hero.