Lord your my light. profile picture

Lord your my light.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Life with passion is a great life to live...gotta have passion!!!!"I live for His glory, His word is no story. When I fell You saved me, Yeshua Lord you forgave me." My name is Rebekah A.K. Rivkah, A.K.A crazy redhead! I'm a Messianic believer...I believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as my L-rd and Savior. I am from San Diego where everything is always wonderful and normal, but since I moved to PA my life has been anything but normal. G-d has begun molding me and working on me and it amazes me....... I enjoy things that I can find passion and beauty in. When I run I lose myself to pure freedom,looking at art I see other worlds and lives with their own uniqness. When I am hiking I see G-d's amazing beauty and it always blows me away. When I am with my friends I realize that G-d has blessed me with true friends and with love.A huge passion and love that I have is for Israel, it's people,culture,EVERYTHING! BEAUTIFUL!!! When I begin just thinking about my up coming trip to Israel I get lost in just knowning that when I go I will see passion all around me and I will see beauty all around me. I guess I am a romantic, though not really, Im just on fire for G-d! I take life now day by day and come what may I am ready to see it in a different and new way. Anyways G-d Bless and SHMA ISRAEL!!!!!!!!

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My Interests

.....wow there is so much more but I have a Super Bowl Party to go to so I gotta go.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus (Yeshua),John Travolta,Julia Roberts, a grip of other people.


Under Oath, No Doubt, Dashboard Confessinals, Marty Getzs, Sarit Hadad, Sheri Mamon, Billy Joel,TOOL, A Perfect Circle, The Killers, Deathcab for Cutie, Green Day, Sublime, LAMB, Three Doors Down, Metallica, Joel Chernoff,....israeli,rock,death metal,alternative, messianic. There is alot of others I love but don't have time to say.... I love anything except country(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)


too many to name..... I love action, horror,comedy,anything but chick flicks


24,House,CSI,Law &Order:SVU,Simpsons,Family Guy,Save By the Bell.....Alan knows what I like.... there are other shows out there I probably have not seen that I am sure I would like..


Bible, Torah,Steven King, Dean Koontz, David Brog, autobiographies,some romances


I have one big hero in my life and his name is Yeshua. I asked him into my life and my life has never been the same. I admire a few people: Moses Mendelssohn,David ben Gurion,Sabbetai Zvi and the nation of Israel has my love and respect~

My Blog

Question: Becuase your Messianic, does that mean your Messianic?

I'm a Messianic believer and this question came up i class and I want to know this answer....... the word Messianic means Messiah, what makes any Jewish person not a messianic? I as a Messianic believ...
Posted by Party like it's 1902.....huh? on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 06:47:00 PST

Guy[s rules, GIRLS what they mean...VERY FUNNY

The Guys' Rules-------------------     At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down         Finally, the guys' side of the story.     ...
Posted by Party like it's 1902.....huh? on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 01:32:00 PST


 Why have a birthday? I have been asking that question for forever now.. I know that if I was in San Diego I would be partying and having an amazing time with my man and my friends, but this year...
Posted by Party like it's 1902.....huh? on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:22:00 PST

West coast , East coast ....... crazy peeps!!!

I have decided and come to a conclusion...... westcoast people are wonderful relaxed people while eastcoast people act like they got a stick where it does not belong..... gotta be everywhere at one ti...
Posted by Party like it's 1902.....huh? on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:36:00 PST