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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My real name is Wijfam, pronounced "Why-Fam". When I was a kid, everyone botched it up so I changed my first name to Diane. Yup, I changed it myself and my parents were okay with it. I chose that name after my best friend at the time (who still is 25 years later!). When I told everyone I changed my name, I explained that Wijfam in Chinese meant Diane in English ... but little did they know that I made that up - noone spoke Chinese in my crowd!! Actually, the spelling of the name originated from the Netherlands, which is where I was born. And if you know Dutch grammer, then you'd know how to say my name right.I have 2 younger sisters and a younger brother. I haven't lived with them in years but I think that is also the reason why we are as close as we are now.Facebook me!
My Learning Style:
Expressive and Tenacious

You love to learn about new cultures, ideas, and theories.
You Should Study:
Ethnic Studies
Foreign Languages and Literature
Eastern Religion What Should You Study?
I am Picky When it Counts
Like most sane women, you want a great guy who will treat you well. But you're also willing to put up with a few flaws in your Mr. Right. You should congratulate yourself on having a realistic approach to dating. You probably have quite a few great guys you can date! Are You Too Picky When It Comes To Men?
I'm a Brainy Girl!
Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books. You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more. For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests. A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either! What Kind of Girl Are You?

My Interests

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Play Poker!

I'd like to meet:

Please see the friends list below and...hmmm....I'd love to meet Hugh Laurie and tell him what a wonderful actor he plays on House MD! I'd love to see Josh Duhamel and Tom Welling in real life, but I'm afraid that I'll faint or do something real stupid like that!




Waking the DeadMade in Heaven I'm just putting this out there to see if there's anyone who has ever actually watched this cheese movie;)


I am Canadian

I am Joe, Canadian

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Wijfam on Thu, 31 May 2007 06:24:00 PST

What Tarot Card Are You?

You Are The HermitYou posses a great deal of wisdom and the ability to see people for who they are.You are always looking ahead at the future, developing visions.A loner, you tend to travel by yoursel...
Posted by Wijfam on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:51:00 PST

This sounds pretty ideal

Posted by Wijfam on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:22:00 PST