I love burlesque, pineapples, corsets, looking round other peoples houses (even if I am not buying!), my friends horse bumble, being naughty, my mums art work, Bath bombs, after eights, dressing up, singing badly, being drunk with my friends (or Strangers!), tattoo's, the 50's, changing my hair colour, road trips, national trust, champagne, gardening, other peoples children, Prosecco, ginger hair, knitting, smiles, horse riding, reading, cooking, bright coloured trousers, investigating the idea of fostering, lots of bangles, cook books, drinking gin, bright colours, Polka dots, Smeg fridges, fizzy water, roller coasters...
anyone and everyone..... If you are happy and you like yourself then I know I will like you.....
I love everything! there is nothing I will not listen to.... My ipod goes from Barbara Streisand to Iron Maiden to The Stray Cats to Charles Aznavour to the Army of Lovers to Big Country to Billy Holiday to The BuzzcocksThe Damned to The Cult to David Essex to Saint Dolly, The Gossip to Ian BrownMadness to Maryln Manson to Neil Young to Nancy Sinatra to Oasis to Nina Simone to The Pogues to Placebo to The Proclaimers to Public Enemy to REM to Roxy Music (I don't need to carry on do i?.....)
Boooo Hiss to modern Hollywood ... they bore me ...... give me an old black and white film, A decent British Film, a film with a bloody plot for goodness sake (oh and a bottle of red, a bar of Green & Black Maya Gold and the heating on)
Peep Show, Mitchell & Webb, Life on Mars, QI, The Pro's, The Sweeny, Inspector Linley Mysteries, Spaced, South Park..
Tale of Two Cities, Small Island - Andrea Leavy, English Cooking - Jane Grigson, The Whole Woman - Germaine Greer, Anything by Elizabeth David, Tom Aiken's cook book, Marco Pierre White 'White Heat' Liz Smith's biography, Miss Webster & Cherif....
People who are totally free from inhibitions.... or the Famous Five!!!Famous Five Nostalgia
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