You are... Jack Bauer!Wow. Either you lied heavily, or should be employed in the MI5 rather than those idiots who leave their laptops lying around in taxis. You've re-written the meaning of the word 'stamina', even death cannot stop you, and you have a strange habit of removing other people's body parts directly after shooting them. You also change clothes about six times a day, but since we sometimes see this happening this is not a bad thing.
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You scored as Alive and ready.. Nicely done, your a pro. Your skills and choices got you through the day mostly unscathed. You also managed to almost single handly stop the threat.However your job is not finished, and never will be...
Alive and ready.
Alive, but regretful.
Barely Alive.
Dead, so very very dead.
Would you survive "24"
created with I edited my profile at .