Hey whats up yall.. So just a little bit about me.. I'm 20 & I live in california, "BAYAREA" lol.. Ive been singing since I was about 6 or 7.. It all started with Whitney Houston and the "Welcome home Heroes" concert video I had of her. Everyday I mocked her voice and sang over and over... alllllllll day!! lol.. I never wanted to go outside and play like the other kids.. It just wasn't me. Ive always just been a church boy who lovesssss to sing, edit, record and write!! Ive never had singing lessons, though I wouldnt mind them and I record @ home.. NONE of my music is studio quality, but I know how to get it darn close becase I've been doing it at home for so long lol.. I use Magix record program, a radio shack mic lol that was about $29 and an amp. A lot of ppl ask if I use a harmonizer.. NO!!, I have no reason to and i never will lol, Honestly I learned everything I kow about harmony from the church choir and BRANDY!!!!.. I have to say Brandy has taught me a lot about music, originality and control!!.. the girl is bad!.. But anywayz I love music and theres nothing else i'de rather do.. My desire is to share my music with the world and be the man GOD has called me to be. Aside from everything else.. Come on in and check me out.. Look around, relax and check out my music.. Leave me a message and let me know what U think, add me.. I LOVE HONEST FEEDBACK!!.. Thanx again yall for the love and support..
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To answer all the emails, comments and request @ once!! Yes I do hooks, But not for free.!! lol.. Heres a list of Prices for different request I've recived and hopefully these will answer all questions and concerns.
$200 & up - PreWritten Hooks.
(Hooks that have already been written and are ready to be recorded. Please have your beats and lyrics ready to go. DO NOT ASK ME TO FIND A BEAT!!)
$300 & up - Self Written Hooks.
(Hooks that I write for your song and sing on your track. Also Anything I write will be licensed under my name with BMI. I Suggest Yall do the same!!)
$800 - Refrence songs!!
Some of you have been asking me to write a song for you, Find a beat, and Arrange /sing it for you so that all U have to do is remake it!! NUT!! If you also want legal rights to the lyrics then the price is $1,000.
*Note: Prices do go up every so often as the demand gets more popular!! So get yours NOW!!