Playing guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, dobro.
Teaching guitar, bass, dobro, bandjo, mandolin.
Repairing guitars, basses, dobros, mandolins, banjos.
Selling guitars, basses, dobros, banjos, mandolins.
And amps.
And strings, straps, tuners, picks, pedals, stands, cases, gig bags, etc..
Guitar players, bass players, mandolin players, banjo players, dobro players, wannabe guitar, bass, mandolin, banjo, and dobro players!
Hey, we're gonna try and keep a fairly active rotation of the 'top friends' list just to try and give more front page exposure to local players and bands. So, if you're not on it now, you probably will be. If you are on it now, you'll probably rotate off in a little while and then back on, etc.