drawing/painting on stuff people throw away/mixed media/collage. found objects, veganism, D.I.Y art smut avant tard porn core, acid cults, nuclear war zombies, noise, previously colored coloring books///dumpster diving///abandonned houses// abandonned shopping centers!!! house parties with noise bands! sad dance music :( 80's movies like THEY LIVE! animation/ claymation, comic bookz, mythology, improvisation,, tattoos, recycling, re-using! old electronics, toy instruments, circuit bending. Bric-a-Brac, thrown away/destroyed artwork and prints are beautiful :) forgotten trophies, sketches of fashion designs, 2nd hand photo albums with old photos left inside. /paranormal///metaphysical///theoretical, force of will power, directed energy weapons,,,lost, forgotten, thrown away, hidden, secret, esoteric, erotic, ecstatic,,,
Zardoz, The Holy Mountain, How to draw a Bunny, Conan The Barbarian, Rosemary's Baby, Logan's Run, Clash Of The Titans, Fifth Element, Robocop, They Live.
Ping Pong Club, Urusei Yatsura, Tim & Eric, The Muppet Show, V (Visitors), Dungeons & Dragons (cartoon), Land Of The Lost, In Search Of, Outer Limits, Superjail!!!