I am an original singer/songwriter/performer.I have never been one to follow a trend by playing covers or obiding by the rules of theory.I like ALL types of music,but I LOVE the blues.I was a semi-finalist at the P.N.E. in Vancouver,for the B.C. star search. Performed "Hellhound Blues", a personal tribute to Mr.Robert Johnson,"King of the delta blues". I recently recorded at Armoury Studios, with the ex drummer from Bif Naked ( Scott McCargar ) and a bass player from Age of Electric ( John Kerns ) and a world famous harp player, www.keith-bennett.com .I would like to thank all Jenny’s,Jenni’s,Jennifer’s, Jenafor’s,Jennyfurr’s,Gen’s,Jen’s,Je
nn’s, Jenna’s,Jenelle’s,"The One & Only" Jenuine, Jeannie’s & Jeannine’s for stopping by, and taking a listen...and everyone else of course! The majority of credit for "Jenny Why" belongs to Jeremy Norlander.
These songs are far from what I have to offer now...These 3 songs are just an experiment.The good stuff is yet to come!(thats a promise). The songs on my page have not yet been mixed or produced.I ran out of money,so I am back in the oil patch saving coin to continue my dream. I plan on touring across Canada & go back through the states in the summer.Since I realize I can’t wait for it to come to me,I am going to find it myself...if you like any of the tunes,please help me spread the word.This is a self-funded project.
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