Apostle"AP" profile picture


its about time u mothafuckas take me serious

About Me

"Apostle(AP)"was born Anthony Adams in Camden,NewJersey March 25,1982.Like any other child raised in a wild hood,he was a product of his environment.Despite being exposed to what is statistically considered the worst city in the country today,he was gifted with the intellectual abilities to attend honors classes from elementary through middle school.Now don't get it misconstrued,"Tony"was never an angel as a matter of fact;he had a hell of a temper control issue which kept him in fights and other mischievous situations.Dude had a love for basketball and played in various street leagues within city limits.Who would of ever known that at the age of 15 when he unexpectedly relocated to Winston-Salem,NC,the place of his father's origin,his love for literary works would kick in and be his new mission in life.Years prior to moving,his older cousin,"Sizahanz",had embraced his love for hip-hop and often suggested that he hop in cyphas in the hood but intimidated by his cousins talent he didn't think he was good enough.Sizahanz kept AP up on da newest undaground mixtape flava which ultimately influenced the mc he is today.Destined for money and not wanting to be in the street as he was up north,he dropped his hoop dreams and took his artform seriously.He created Soundchamba Productions way before he started actually producing beats and began goin around battlin cats.Everyone has a sad story and ups and downs but Ap found away to channel his anga problems by takin all his stress and pain from life tribulations and spewing his frustration out through da mic so if he sounds mad at da world he is........ http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u240/emissary_album/000_0 416.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u240/emissary_album/000_0 416.jpg

My Interests


Member Since: 11/8/2006
Band Members: Apostle
Influences: Any lyricist since da beginning who puts thought,research,and skill to use to influence da future to not spit bullllllshiiiiiiiit-ass gimmickry
Sounds Like: My inner-demon
Record Label: Soundchamba Productions<object width="425" height=
Type of Label: None

My Blog


I don't make music 4 da club,girls, or da latest fads.I really love dis shit people don't know how therapeutic this is for me .But if u just so happen to feel it,dats what's up.........
Posted by Apostle"AP" on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 03:38:00 PST