I'd like to meet:
Well...here's the thing...and I mean this in the nicest way possible... even though I, myself, have yielded to the MySpace...I feel like this is a personals site for those who wouldn't frequent an actual "personals website." Maybe I'm wrong, but I might be right. Therefore, I think I'm only really interested in meeting with the folks I already know--or at the very least--the folks I know of. Is that so wrong?
Remember talent and melody?
Anything creepy. Rosemary's Baby, The Birds, Vertigo, Psycho, Rear Window, (anything Hitchcock) old Universal horror films--The Wolfman, Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon. Then there's The Exorcist. Halloween, Silver Bullet, Jaws, The Hunger,The Shining, Freaks, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (the old cartoon with Bing Crosby as the narrator)...if it's spooky or even slightly so...I'm in love. Then there are simply classic films--Cool Hand Luke, Gone With the Wind, Being There, Harold and Maude...on and on...too many to list...
I haven't been watching much regular television since "the election." Very little news, sadly. I was quite the fiend before November--even tuning in to the ridiculousness of FOX just for a laugh. But these days I feel my soul and my sanity can't handle it. Thus, in the words of Homer Simpson, "I'm just going to hide under these coats and hope everything turns out okay." I know, it's a terrible attitude. But seriously, if you need me I'll be under the coats. If there are times, however, when I happen venture out from under the POC (pile o' coats) to watch television I'm only watching--Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, and The Andy Griffith Show. All comic f***in' genius in their own right. I also enjoy the late-night food network. The show Unwrapped--hosted by Mark Summers of Double-Dare fame--is incredible! A show completely devoted to unveiling--or "unwrapping" if you will--the ART of creating sweets. Heaven.
I love to read. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry. It matters not. I love having books in my permanent possession. Tiny accomplishments upon the shelf. The book I open the most is the bible. Because if it weren't for Him I wouldn't be able to read in the first place. Just kidding, actually. My parents were the ones who taught me to read--not "Him." But enough "post-modern" sarcasm. :) Just off hand a couple of books and authors I enjoy--anything by John Irving. (The Hotel New Hampshire, Setting Free the Bears) Breece D'J Pancake was brilliant. Kent Haruf (Plainsong and Eventide) and Chris Offutt (Kentucky Straight) (both know and write the voice of small town--which is what I know best) Sherman Alexie, Joan Didion. Steve Martin, Dave Eggers and David Sedaris are always entertaining. And, of course, of course, obvious writers of the beat: Ginsberg and Kerouac. Right now I'm reading Cat and Mouse by Gunter Grass, Ghost of Chance by William S. Burroughs, and Period by Dennis Cooper. The list goes on and on...