It looks like you keep yourself out of the ghetto and are living ghetto free. Also, you may be white.
How Ghetto Are You
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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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It looks like you keep yourself out of the ghetto and are living ghetto free. Also, you may be white.
How Ghetto Are You
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Music(all types), Real Estate, Culture, Photography, Entrepreneurship.
Anyone willing to help me make millions. In way's that are ethical, moral and legal of course!
Hip-Hop: The Roots, Justus League, Timberland, Jigga, GHOSTFACE!!!(most of the hip-hop re-leased 1996 and back). I like a lot of new hip-hop too, the list is to long. Jazz, Bossa Nova, Blues, Rock & Roll, basically everything etc.......
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