Learning and laughing, Being Young and having Fun (harder than it sounds), kids,words,dancing I could of been a FLY GIRL...WordUp!)actually I am pretty fly, I should have been on KIDS INCORPORATED too (does anyone remember that show?) decorating,I loooooove spending time with the folks that love and accept me for me.2005 95
The man on TV commercials that has all the books on free government money, NAS (again & again & again), New Yorkers (I been hangin out with transplants), Anybody about they B-I, anyone with an imaginative personality.
YC MUZAAC!! D.C.GO-GO,Baltimore Club,Jazz, House music all night long, Hip Hop, R&B, Freestyle, Reggae (liking it more & more damn crown heights),I will listen to anything accompanied by a beat. Without music my swagger would'nt even be right.
All Time Favorite:Imitation of Life
There's just so many channels!
Lies My Teacher Told Me, A People's History, Davinci Code, Covering,Black Like Me, Anything by James Baldwin to name a few
ANN FREELAND (My grandmother/My WORLD).She is my motivation, inspiration, hope, everything that makes a person want to try, SHE IS! I owe this woman so much, it hurts to know that I may never completely repay her the way or as much as I think she should be reimbursed. The Deepest Gratitude.