DJ Scotch Egg Champion profile picture

DJ Scotch Egg Champion

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a chef and a DJ, singular passions for the benefit of others. I shave my head, which allows me to get away with being the asshole I always knew I could be. I take an occasionally inappropriate amount of pride in a perfectly marked, perfectly grilled piece of flesh. I prefer watching television shows on the internet to actually watching my television. Ironic? Perhaps. I have what some might describe as an unhealthy fascination with my knives. They're sharp. Really. I like to cuss like a sailor. I enjoy drinking heavily and the ensuing misadventures. The best $100 I've ever spent was on my Navy surplus peacoat. It's still probably the single best piece of equipment our upon which our military has been bestowed. My memory is photographic, assuming I'm not intoxicated. I've never met anyone I couldn't make laugh. I'm rational to a fault. My brain and my heart are good friends, but they don't trust each other. They keep proving each other wrong. One day I'll likely become a teacher, but until then I'm attempting to amass wisdom from wiser people than me. I'm brutally honest; ask for my opinion and you will get it.

My Interests

Cooking, Discovering New Music, Eating, Drinking Alcoholic Beverages, Headbutting, Sharing New Music, Good Movies, Inhaling Carcinogens, Reading Newspapers, Reading Books, Reading Cookbooks, Road Bicycling, Raising Havok, Blazing Trails of Evil.

I'd like to meet:

The next President of the United States, whomever that might be. The farmers that grow my produce and the pigs that grow my bacon. Daft Punk, and whoever made their robot suits. Anyone who can teach me something new about food, music, cooking, beer, life, love or sex.


Lately: New Chemical Bros., Mark Ronson, Amy Winehouse, Herbert, Beat Conducter, Greenskeepers, Members Only, Easy Star All Stars, Diplo, Luomo, Soul Position, Zero 7, Clayton & Fulcrum, dzihan & kamian, Global Communication.Classics: Old Chemical Bros., Orbital, Underworld, FSOL, Orb, Massive Attack, Bjork, Portishead, Daft Punk, Radiohead, Bowie, U2, Carl Craig, Beck . . . all the essentials for coming of age in the 90's and the dawning of the digital era. My collection is extensive.The Chemical Brothers

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The Big Lebowski, Rushmore, Fight Club, Amelie, Punch Drunk Love, Shawshank Redemption, LOTR, Baraka, Memento, Usual Suspects, Until the End of the World, Millers Crossing, Fargo, Raising Arizona, Clerks 1, Batman (if its Michael Keaton or Christian Bale), Out of Sight, Donnie Darko, the Jacket, Goldfinger, Incredibles, Ratatouille, Lawrence of Arabia, Twelve Monkeys, Blade Runner, Empire Strikes Back, Eternal Sunshine...


Lost = the most mind warping hour of television imaginable. Jericho = what happens when you're in your home town when a nuclear holocaust occurs; think about it, then watch. Good Eats = the single most entertaining cooking/food show ever; not the most advanced, but the most fun and involving. No Reservations = living vicariously through one of the most verbose and sarcastic minds in food. Mythbusters (featuring my doppelganger and upcoming Halloween guise, Jamie Hyneman) = explosions and hilarity; likely the most fun job on tv. New shows: Life, Chuck, Pushing Daisies.


Books by John Steinbeck, Kurt Vonnegut, Michael Ondaantje, David James Duncan, Chuck Palahnick, Irvine Welsh, Tom Robbins, Salman Rushdie, Ayn Rand, Mark Twain, and Ray Bradbury.


Jim Henson, Jacques Pepin, Juan Atkins, Anthony Bourdain, Keith Olbermann.

My Blog


Its funny how sometimes things hurt, and sometimes you can walk away from anything feeling unscathed. I love how you can fall asleep, dreading what might happen tomorrow, how life will take another u...
Posted by DJ Scotch Egg Champion on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Today, I smoke.
Posted by DJ Scotch Egg Champion on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The outernet

I dont know how I feel about this, my thoughts revealed, my feelings barred for all to read. The internet is such a lonely, cold place, despite its attempts to create and foster togetherness. I sit ...
Posted by DJ Scotch Egg Champion on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Another day off, spent doing laundry. Why can't days off be more exciting, and with better weather, so I can spend them doing things like frisbee golfing and smoking joints outside, or driving my Jet...
Posted by DJ Scotch Egg Champion on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST