In a reference book of the Moncton music scene, Mood Cadillac would be one of the chapters that links the much-loved Monoxides to their beligerent offspring Iron Giant, with reference to the newly-formed Blood Royal. Rising from the ashes of several bands in the always incestuous local scene, Mood Cadillac was a big 'ol dirty chunk of fuzz with an obvious love of Black Sabbath. Formed sometime in late '96/ early '97 (nobody can remember for sure) and originally consisted of Mark (Gunther) Richard on vocals, Jody Perry (currently of Blood Royal) on guitar, Dan Dupuis on bass and (Iron Giant vocalist) Chris Lewis on drums, they released a cssette only demo- "Big 'Ol Dirty". Recorded and mixed in seven hours for a chunk of hash and a pizza by Rick White (who did the artwork as well), "Big 'Ol Dirty" tried hard to capture all the sludgy-goodness of this fuzzy four-piece. After the addition of Russ Payne on second guitar (just to make things even thicker), Mood Cadillac left themselves at the mercy of th lo-fi gods with Rick White, who once again lent his hand to the albums recording, as well as the sleeve art. This produced their self-titled CD. Unfortunately this early in the days of CD burners and many of the whopping fifty CDs ever released (independently of course) are practically unlistenable. Some of these tracks are now available on the myspace that you are reading this from. Before the release of the the self-titled disk, Dan Dupius depats, and is replaced by none other than PJ Dunphy (Monoxides/ Iron Giant) who plays a big part in getting the disk out (although he doesn't even appear on it) only because he too is a fan of the dirtiness. This line-up continued on for another year, but then fell apart with nothing to blame but sheer laziness for some and lack of ambition for others. But now, as of Nov. 06, almost 10 years from its conception, a Mood Cadillac reunion has begun! Although no date has been set, the wheels have been set in motion, and hopefully, if all goes well, both Mood Cadillac recordings, as well as any unreleased tracks and parts of a live bootleg recording, will all be made available on one low-budget disc at the show. Don't miss out on catching this lost link in the chain of our local scene.
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