Jules profile picture



About Me

Ok lets see... My parents were both born in the UK but I was born here in Perth and lived here pretty much all my life. I spent 5 months in England playing cricket before travelling around Europe, Canada and Hawaii. I've also been to South Africa, Singapore and Japan. :D I LOVE travelling...I have just finished a Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science at UWA and have started working! ...having money is awesome! :DI love cooking! Ever since I was able to crawl I have loved being in the kitchen...I am big on being open and honest, and talking about problems... saves so many problems!I have a fairly broad taste in music.. I'll listen to pretty much anything except heavy stuff and techno...I can be pretty lazy... I love a good movie or dvd... but a night out with good friends is also priceless...and yeah... thats pretty much me... take me or leave me... :)

MySpace Editor

MySpace Layouts MySpace Editor Icons Collage MySpace Graphics Photo Collage

My Interests

Cooking, travelling, sport, politics, helping people

I'd like to meet:



The Whitlams, Josh Pyke, Darren Hanlon, Lior, Bob Evans, Jens Lekman, Josh Radin, Silverchair, The Lucksmiths... plus many many more...


Garden State, Brainless comedies ie Dodgeball, Anchorman, Starsky and Hutch are entertaining.


Scrubs, Mythbusters, Food Safari (a really good cooking show!), Rick Stein's French Odyssey (another great cooking series!) The Glasshouse, Little Britain, The Chaser's War on Everything


Memiors of a Geisha, Angels and Demons, The Power of Passion


E. G. Whitlam

My Blog

1st Real Blog! - 11 July 2007

Hi all... We'll i thought it was time that i write a proper blog rather than just posting wanky myspace quizzes/surveys... :p   We'll I'll set the mood for you. Right now I'm sitting in Perth Air...
Posted by Jules on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 11:05:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Jules on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 05:19:00 PST

70 Things you may not know about me

70 things you may have never known about me.1. Initials:JAL2. Name someone with the same birthday as you:Jaques Kallis, Oscar Wilde3. Favorite fruit(s)?I love my berries... mmm raspberries...  an...
Posted by Jules on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 06:13:00 PST

Long survey for those who are especially bored!

How old are you?: 21 for another couple of weeksHow old do you act?: probably a bit older than that most of the time with the odd bout of immaturity. Eye Color?: Blue Hair Color?: BlondeWhat Scho...
Posted by Jules on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 06:17:00 PST

10 Layers of Jules

[[..THESE ARE THE 10 LAYERS OF ME..]]LAYER ONE: ON THE OUTSIDEName: Julian Antony LaneBirth date: 16/10/1984Birth place: PerthCurrent Location: PerthEye Color: BlueHair Color: BlondeRighty or Lefty: m...
Posted by Jules on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 06:01:00 PST

Girlfriend Application

fill out my girlfriend application! ...please :) -who are you? -how do i know you? -your age? -location? -do you have a job? -where? -do you drive? -do you have your own car? -height? -hair color...
Posted by Jules on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 09:00:00 PST