Blister profile picture


If you mess with my chi i'll mess with your karma

About Me

My name is Corey, I'm 22 and was born in Calgary Alberta. I grew up in Sault Ste. Marie, now before you ask me.. I know it's a small little hole in ontario. lol not many people have heard of it but it's there!
In that city i went to 5 different public schools and 2 high schools, I used to be in gymnastics and sports until I had 2 knee surgeries and now well.. lol Look i have a myspace lol j/k
I get bored ALOT!!
I was raised by Pegans/Wiccans who always threatened to send me to the Gypsies (lol I now wonder what the difference is :) small joke sorry, my family are actually Pegan/Wiccan tho.. I don't follow any religion, I'm a realist. I believe in what I can prove although theres some (not many) but some unexplainables I've experienced and yet can't explain. I'm just really down to earth and a very kind honest open person..
I have a ton of hobbies, Like making soap and other handmade toiletries I make my own dreads and can spin wool. i also do alot of photography. I paint, write poetry, i do alot of designing! And I LOVE to sing!!
Right now I know very little of the city i live in and don't really know anyone so I stick to the indoors and do what I can to keep me busy
I own 2 cats, and some fish
Now I’ve started up a business!! or
there is so much more about me just ask!!

My Interests

Photography, art, modeling, models, computers, movies, games, outdoors, animals, costumes, designing, pranks, fun, good times, being active, getting dirty, theres just too much lol

I'd like to meet:

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Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, H.I.M, tool, a perfect circle, blood meridian, Stabbing westward, orgy, VNV Nation, enya, fear factory, slipknot, slayer, cradle of filth, cannibal corpse, david bowie, the cure, linkin park, rammstein, GWAR, the killers, David Gray, Delerium, others and such!


Labrynthe, Legend, Nightmare before christmas, natural born killers, pulp fiction, disney, jackass two, Gia


Ruby gloom, simpsons, family guy, futurama, robot chicken, invader zim, antiques roadshow, biker shows, Viva la bam, Home wreckers,


davinci's code, the myth series others


Any person who makes me laugh or is a jack ass is always a hero in my books LOL

My Blog


Took some pictures.. I have a bunch on here but of course .. I do get a bit 'risky' for myspace so the rest are at my Flickr site    ...
Posted by Blister on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:40:00 PST


My head is going to explode....I have all these Ideas for things and I don't have the right people I can talk to about it.. I know nothing of styling hair and I have some hair ideas in which I just c...
Posted by Blister on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:06:00 PST


So my birthday is comming up feb 22nd... i'm turning 23 and I haven't the slightest clue what i really want LOL I've always wanted a corest but they can get pricey.. I think I'm going to have a bash h...
Posted by Blister on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:03:00 PST

Durastic Crazy Photoshoot

I want to do a Durastic Crazy photoshoot.. I have a few Ideas.. I'm thinking there should be other models other than myself..I would really like to have a scene set up for us girls..Interested? msg me...
Posted by Blister on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:46:00 PST

Been busy

So I haven't been on the internet much, or even around my computer, had some out of town friends, my mom is undergoing more surgery for her cancer and I've been taking pictures like a fiend. lol So In...
Posted by Blister on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 09:29:00 PST

Artsy classy photos

Last night Mike and I decided to do some photos try to mess with some lighting :) they turned out WONDERFULLYbecause myspace is kid safe, hahaha Go to my flickr site and you can see the actual photo....
Posted by Blister on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 01:49:00 PST

SO many more photos, SO many being left behind

Myspace has a strict nudity thing, and although many get away with it, it would appear a rat likes to snoop about mine often lol So with that said, There are more pictures to see.My flickr account was...
Posted by Blister on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 03:06:00 PST

Cut My Hair

So I got bored the other night and was sick of not being able to do anything with my hair since it was too long for even my dreads, so I put it in a pony tail and chopped it off HAHA I don't like my h...
Posted by Blister on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 07:09:00 PST

Most popular Photos

Most popular photos After noticing all the great compliments on the london winter photos I decided to edit them and make them ALOT nicer..I've also had someone ask to buy a print i'm not sure ho...
Posted by Blister on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 12:19:00 PST

What a weekend

Some family came into town for the weekend. The first 2 days were bliss but as always, families have their problems.. arguments broke out and I was stuck in the middle when normally I'm the one arguin...
Posted by Blister on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 06:36:00 PST