With three out of four members being at least 35 years old some might consider Shallowater as getting a late start. They prefer to think of themselves as late bloomers. With age comes a variety of musical influences that get fused into Shallowaters's songs. Literally everyone's musical loves from classic and hard rock, to country, to the jazz drumming disciplines of big band (yep, that's the 22-year-old's doing!) influence this clearly Red Dirt Rock sound.
The beginnings of Shallowater started nearly three years ago when Steve and Ben met through their neighborhood family ramblings. Mark also lived in the neighborhood (Mark and Ben have been friends since Jr. High). The three elder statesmen squeezed in time together to write after kids were down for the night and found that with the fun they were having came a sense that something good was happening. With the chance meeting on a neighborhood playground by Ben and Jeff due to an admired " Long Live Analog" T-shirt, the longing for a quality drummer to enter the fray closed the loop.
Finding time to practice between four fathers is a constant challenge.
But because of the continued belief that what's being made during those times is worthy of other folk's time to listen and enjoy, has made it easier to manage, not to mention easier for two wives to accept! Family and kids are always first with these boys, but they all hope you like what they create and hope to see you when they're out and about spreading their other love.
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