adult swim, alan cummings, argue, brit girls, buddhism, chess, clockwork orange, comedy, crazy, dance, dante alighieri, die hard, eccentric, england, fearless, freak, fun, germany, hardcore, harry potter, i spy, italia, jean paul sartre, jujitsu, karate, kendo, kittie kittie, krav maga, kung fu, lingo, longboards, making people laugh, martial arts, mcdonnalds, music, new canaan, nyc, nymphomaniac, performing, photography, poemfone, rain, ryan merriman, samurai, scarsdale, scorpio, screamo, sex, slang, snow fights, snowboarding, stand up, suicide girls, surfing, techno, thanatology, vincent kartheiser,writing,
aim screenname: rubberBANDhearts
311, afi, alexisonfire, as friends rust, aspera, atreyu, avoid one thing, bach, breach of trust, breath of silence, byo, cave in, cky, cursive, dandy warhols, david bowie, electric six, finch, freak, from autumn to ashes, further seems forever, get up kids, him, hoobustank, hot hot heat, hot rod circuit, house of pain, i spy, idlewild, incubus, josh groban, kung fu records, lacuna coil, manchild, marcy playground, mi6, mickeys crew, mike skinner, modest mouse, moneen, moods for moderns, mozart, ms.dynamite, msi, nirvana, nothing face, ozma, pacifier, piebald, pixies, placebo, profesional murder music, radiohead, rammstein, rancid, river city high, rooney, salem, saves the day, scissor fight, scott weiland, sex pistols, shihad, slick shoes, sloppy meat eaters, snowboarding, sommerset, spiderbait, star spangles, stone temple pilots, sublime, tadpole, techno, thanatology, the clash, the cure, the dandy warhols, the distillers, the music, the star spangles, the streets, the usual hooligans, the verve, thrice, thursday, trance, trust company, useless id, world/inferno friendship society, , yeah yeah yeahs, your day strong, jonny lang, groove coverage, rachel stevens, sufjan stevens, the strokes, the yardbirdz, the zombies, the band, the doors, ok go, gnarls barkley
Die Hard, The Godfather, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Super Troopers, Serenity, Twelve Angry Men, Indiana Jones, Equilibrium, After Alice, Goodfellas, Double Bang,The Crow, Aladin, Empire Recorss, Keeping the Faith, High Fidelity, Sliver, Quills, The Matrix...that sort of thing..
So You Think You Can Dance, Coupling, The OC, 24, Allias, Tresure Hunters
Huis Clos by Jean Paul Sartre, The Putain Respectuse also by Jean Paul Sartre, Inferno by Dante, Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller, POemfone, Pain and Pleasure from the poemfone poets, Innocents by Cathy Coote, Brave New Girl by Lousia Luna, The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, the Fuck up by Arthur Nesisian, Pure by Rebecca Ray, You don't know me by David Klass, Twelve by Nick Mcdonell, Porno by Irvine Welsh (Sequel to Trainspotting)
Peter Muthafuckin Daly YAY!