Art. Models. Dancing. Music. Fashion. Drugs. Being drunk. Having a good time. Mischa Barton And The Immaculate Contraception. test
Hmm, i'm not particular about who I meet. I'm here in Brentwood Village near a circle of fine stores and dinning facilities like Maria's and Subway or RPG and Starbucks. The village drunk sings his pains and sorrows away and the village bum is as rich as the celebrities that walk in and out ordering their shots of expresso rather then a shot of whiskey. I'm meeting people at my work and it's cool, they show me respect so they deserve my friendship. I really don't want to meet anymore people over the internet. It was good and paid off with excellent friends but yeah, no mas.I don't know what i'm on myspace for anyways. "Curious-er and curious-er" -Alice Lidell
THIS!!! .. width="425" height="350" .. Hello Astronaut, Goodbye Television Glacier Hiking Abandoned Pools Ross Golan Blonde Redhead Sonic Youth Bloody Fists The Killers Misfits The Mars Volta New Order Joy Division The Cure Siouxsie & The Banshees The Creatures Depeche Mode The Human Machines Moonlight Junkies Hella
Horror. Comedy. Drama. Dramatic Horrific Comedy. Drama Man On Fire Domino The Crow Cape Fear Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas Dead Man The Libertine Boogie Nights Boyz In Da Hood Dead Presidents Full Metal Jacket Breakfast On Pluto Batman Begins ect ect..
House. Simpsons. Family Guy. The Office. My Name Is Earl. Scrubs.
Excuse me?..