Laura Nativo profile picture

Laura Nativo

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

producer / actress / spokesperson
Laura knew at the precocious age of 5, after a kindergarten epiphany on the children’s television show ROMPER ROOM~ that whether it was on screen, or behind the scenes, she was destined for a career in show business. She grew up in New Jersey, and packed her bags for Hollywood at 17, after landing a role in Woody Allen’s CELEBRITY. Within a few years, her credits grew to include THE FAST & THE FURIOUS, AMERICAN PIE 2, XXX and a string of independent films.
Laura’s behind-the-scenes career started in 1999, with then unknown Darren Lynn Bousman (SAW 2 / SAW 3), and other fresh young directors producing music videos, commercials, and events. Early client highlights include: MICROSOFT, VIRGIN COLA, SKECHERS... and rock bands such as JET, STATIC-X, and KORN... Always on the edge of leading advances in technology, Laura is a veteran of short form content, after producing wireless media content featuring A-list recording artists and celebrities to over 220M users internationally. Laura was key in early development for the spec script, THE DESPERATE, which ultimately became early directing partner Darren Lynn Bousman’s blockbuster hit, SAW 2.
In 2006, she served as Executive Producer and Music Supervisor on the teen comedy, SURF SCHOOL, helping secure a limited theatrical release, and DVD distribution through LIONSGATE FILMS. Laura went on to spend 6 months as Head of Media Development at the internet start-up, producing exclusive short form content and helping launch the social media network.
Equally talented in front of the camera as an accomplished actress, model and host, Laura appears opposite Justin Timberlake in the SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL hit, ALPHA DOG, directed by Nick Cassavetes. In 2007, she finally bridged her passions for both acting and producing with the indie drama, THRESHOLD. A 1-week speed-filming competition piece for the Project 168 Film Festival, THRESHOLD went on to earn the most nominations- including Best Pictures and Best Supporting Actress for Laura Nativo- and win six of 11 nominated awards.
These days, Miss Nativo is too busy working to keep herSpace updated ;) but here's the latest news! Laura's feature film producing debut SURF SCHOOL proved a hit, earning #5 in TopDVDrenters, spawning a sequel which goes into production in Kauai this December 2007. Laura is also busy with producing partners Spero Stamboulis, Michael Muldoon and Will Wallace in pre-production on her second indie feature, SIX. The action-packed horror film, in which Laura will play a supporting role, is slated to shoot February 2008 in Trinidad-Tobago. Laura is also developing a number of studio projects with her wonderful creative associate Nancy Moonves at LightenUp Productions.
Alongside her entrepreneurial efforts, Laura is actively involved with charitable contributions close to her heart, as the official spokesperson and co-founder of ROCK TO CURE, an organization that uses the universal language of music to raise money and awareness for various organizations such as CITY OF HOPE, NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION & CYSTIC FIBROSIS FOUNDATION. Laura and the love of her life, Preston (a pomeranian) have been active in the community for years, participating in the JONATHAN JAQUES CHILDREN'S CANCER CENTER annual torch run. The mother/son team also works with recovering alcoholics, drug addicts and former convicts at THE LAWS SUPPORT CENTER. More than a "movie dog", Preston was recently awarded a Canine Good Citizen and is proud to be a state certified therapy animal. Laura and Preston are honored to join LOVE ON 4 PAWS and continue their philanthropic adventures at local hospitals, schools, and nursing homes.
In her "free time" this Type-A princess is addicted to living out of a suitcase, adventuring around the world, mediocrely surfing in Hawaii, and justifying excuses to work in Europe. When in LA (rarely) and not working (particularly rarely), she most loves surfing, snowboarding, and sleeping.
For more information, please visit Laura's official website or IMDB @
Laura's IMDB Page
Look for Laura in the trailer for ALPHA DOG!
SURF SCHOOL will be released July 17, 2007 on DVD by Lions Gate Films
To learn more about Laura's first feature film producing endeavour...

My Interests

TRAVELING, TRAVELING, and more TRAVELING... in JUST the last year, i've taken over 200 flights and spent time in... FRANCE~ Paris 4x, Corsica, Marseilles, Champagne, Lyon, Nice, Monaco, Cannes... SPAIN~ Barcelona 2x, Madrid, Port Beau... GERMANY~ Frankfurt, Manheim, Heidelberg... ITALY~ Venice, Florence... & ENGLAND~ London... (+ over 25 US cities!) I LOVE EUROPE, and hope to continue living bi*continentally forever! so when i'm MIA in LA, u know to call my euro-mobile! and 2 all my foreign friends, i am sooooo sorry about g.w. mistake~ middle america sucks! :) sorry to get political, 4 anyone who may be offended~ but if u don't like what u're reading? then... stop? :P um, anyways... warm paper packages, tied up with strings... here are some more of my favourite things~ SPORTS... surfing, kitesurfing / kiteboarding~ whatever u're happy calling it, snowboarding, horseback riding, rollerblading, salsa dancing, wakeboarding, waterskiing, jetskiing, kayaking, camping, baseball/softball, football, bike riding, tennis, hiking, rock climbing, base jumping, ski diving. ARTS & CULTURE... movies, concerts, theater, museums, art, photography, wine, reading, writing, poetry, jazz & blues. FRIENDS & FAMILY... spending as much time w/ the people I love as possible. most especially, cristina, regina, & my sister lisa... + too many strictly platonic male friends to mention, ie: seth, johann, paul, chadwick, mba, christoph, john, keith, michael, etc... it's all about quality 4 me, not quantity... i'm quite content seeing my "friend-quaintances" just once a year or so, and instead staying superclose to my bestest, most forever friends. and, save the BEST for last~ the MOST IMPORTANT ANYTHING IN MY LIFE??? MY PUPPY... Preston the Pomeranian, a 7 lb gorgeous fluffer... my true sunshine. 3

I'd like to meet:

I LOVE people with PASSION... people with a PURPOSE... people who RECIPROCATE... whether it be time, energy, laundry quarters... people who GIVE a little more than they take... people who LOVE, truly, with no hope, expectations or agenda, unconditionally- whose actions speak louder than words. and whose words are honest, kind, and sincere. If you are any of the above, I would like to meet YOU! And if I'm fortunate to already know you, I would love to stay in touch! But please please please, COMMENT ME, as my inbox has become overwhelming and I don't want to miss your thoughts! I wish mySpace would come up with a more time efficient email system... but for now, COMMENTS are the best way to say hello. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all of your wonderful past emails... it means the world to have this much support... and I really appreciate so many of you reaching out to me. I do my best to read and respond to all of your letters... but unfortunately, it's become almost impossible to keep up! I really wish there were 2 of me... 1 to stay in touch with all my new friends, and every incredible soul I have met along my journey :) and 1 to work. Unfortunately, the time has come when I must ask you to please NOT message me unless it is business related, or you know my personally and would like to keep your message private. The fastest way to reach me for professional requests is through my representation @! And for everyone who does know me, and can never seem to reach me, I am so sorry! I find all this modern communication too much at times, and believe it or not, I actually shut my blackberry OFF every once in awhile. Please be patient, and if anything is important, CALL ME... I work/play 24/7 and spend most of my life living out of a suitcase. And so I usually operate on an as-necessary basis... sincere apologies for my lack of time often confused as indifference, in advance ;) and thank you so much for your understanding!

PS~ if you are another mySpace creep who wants to "spoil me"... as much as I appreciate the generous offers, no thank you... I don't want to be your friend. There are lots of chicks on here with g-string ass headshots in their profile default photo... I suggest you begin there and work your way up!


LOVE? the format, postal service, coldplay, keane, the cure, maroon 5, damien rice, train, deathcab for cutie, madness, stereophonics, john mayer, rosi golan, keaton simons, joe purdy, orson, the shins, caleb kane, matchbox 20, cameron meshell, butch walker, mitch allan, blackeyed peas, jack johnson, ben lee, tristan prettyman, aqualung, david gray, ryan adams, james blunt, dashboard confessional, jeff buckley, david ryan harris, chris trapper, the fray, starsailor, 311, the killers, jet, india arie, frank sinatra, madonna, the beatles, michael buble, jamie cullum, bjork, madonna, old school pre-molestaton jackson, the streets, nick drake, the beach boys, norah jones, india arie, billy joel, sade, depeche mode, sarah mclachlan, joseph arthur, beyonce, cierra, gwen stefani, missy elliott, eminem, dave mathews, harry connick jr, beck, weezer, the strokes, prince, radiohead, nelly, dido, joss stone, the libertines, jurassic 5, splender~ rip my friends + the classics~ mozart, pachebel, beethoven and so many more i'm surely forgetting... + smja, especially when he's on a mountaintop or in the shower... + almost anything 80's & 50's... HATE? twangy country & druggie techno


the notebook, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, love actually, the princess bride, family man, love & sex, twice upon a yesterday, bridget jones diary, sliding doors, alfie, serendipity & my newest favorites~ just like heaven, elizabethtown & march of the penguins... romantic comedy/dramedy addict... & not ashamed! ;) + any film that me, my dog, or my friends are involved with!!! :D most recently, SAW 2~ rock on Darren!!! UNDISCOVERED~ (ok terrrrrible movie, but my puppy PRESTON was in it!!!) the soon to be released, ALPHA DOG~ not exactly "starring" but I've got a nice scene :P ...yeah ME!!! and the hottest teen comedy of 2006, SURF SCHOOL... also my first feature film producing endeavor! ;)


LOVE? GREY'S ANATOMY- omg, i am addicted! anyone else just about cry every sunday & looove the emo soundtrack? LOST~ thank you for quality entertainment in the midst of reality bs, LAS VEGAS~ the show, not the city~ watching my boy, Josh 3, JAKE IN PROGRESS~ if only all men realized what's truly important... before 30!!! also get sucked into Dateline NBC, American Idol~ guilty pleasure, loved The Mountain bc of it's sexy, smart star~ my surfing buddy Johann ;) + can't leave out Sex in the City, Friends, The Simpsons, Pet Star~ ooooh... yeah, I just admitted that, MTV2 & Fuse indie rock videos, The Learning Channel, History Channel, Discovery Channel, and Trash Entertainment-esque News Shows. HATE? reality polution, ie: The Bacheloretc...


i loooove to read, wish I had more time! a perfect friday night 4 me = hot chocolate, my puppy & a good book @ barnes & noble... so dorky, but true. just finished "the five people you meet in heaven" & "tuesdays with morrie"... currently reading the boring, but educational garrett sutton & michael a. lechtor's series... nothing beats a nicholas sparks novel... also getting into jennifer weiner's books, wishing i had the $ to option her work as screenplays! obsessed with popular science, though a mag... speaking of, does anyone remember the good ol 3-2-1 contact?! ha ha... also into~ the davinci code, any works by thoreau & emerson, snow falling on cedars, the celestine prophecy, power of now, and most books on dogs, travel, entertainment, business, law, politics, etc... got into "tragedy & hope", thanks to my british love sergei... could not finish, so... ;) now alternating bw "think and grow rich" for work and "mr. maybe" (total chick trash) for fun.. + dozens of scripts, trying to find my next project!


don't believe in idolizing "heroes"... rather, learning from the most powerful attributes of those you find most inspirational. for me~ MY MOM... + the peace of Ghandi... the saintly-ness of Mother Theresa... the entrepreneurial brilliance of Oprah... the humanitarian influence of Angelina Jolie... the career savvy of Julia Roberts... the ambition of J-Lo... the honesty of Michael Moore... the family/career balance of Reese Witehrspoon... the genius of Leonardo da Vinci... to name a few. but then, there are ordinary people who can change your life in the simplest of ways~ i met this beautiful old couple, last november, in paris. they were sitting on a park bench, in the rain, sharing an ice cream cone. the wife actually spoke english, and i talked with her for ages~ about life, love, marriage... and learned how happy she and her husband had been for the last 60+ years... they were amazing together. so cute and perfectly fulfilled... and after 60 years?! that to me, is my ultimate goal, over any career aspiration... to be 90-something, sitting on Pont Neuf sharing an ice cream cone in the rain, with the love of my life.

My Blog

*the paradox of our time...

FROM GEORGE CARLIN (his wife recently passed away...)Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent... and so very appropriate.A wonderful...
Posted by Laura Nativo on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:39:00 PST

*attention FILMMAKER friends... GOT TALENT?! read this... ;)

Dear mySpace friends, I am excited to participate in 2007's 168 FILM FESTIVAL... and we're looking to build our team... We especially need a top HD cinematographer & line producer, but all crew posit...
Posted by Laura Nativo on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:11:00 PST

I'll be *gone till September* or so... here's why...

PODTED THIS SUNDAY...So beautiul day... woke up and my producinb partn3r calls, iinviting me to wakeboard w/ him and his boys... Good tim3s, eiright? Awww yeah. I am happy.Until the waterpump breaks a...
Posted by Laura Nativo on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:24:00 PST

*A little about me* survey...

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey*note: written in March 06, updated in August 06Name: laura maria nativoBirthday: october 16th, one beautiful 80's night...Birthplace: parsippany, new jerseyCurrent ...
Posted by Laura Nativo on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:51:00 PST

*You know you were born in the 80's when...

2 everyone else who feels SOOO OLD when they watch "I LOVE THE 80's" on VH1...A sweet little trip down memory lane!YOU KNOW YOU WERE BORN IN THE 80's WHEN...*You owned and operated a "trapper keeper"*...
Posted by Laura Nativo on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:37:00 PST

*59 questions...

Posted by Laura Nativo on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 09:53:00 PST