i'll get to a more complete version sometime. highspire is what some people call "shoegaze". others will say "dream-pop". others will call it "shite". apparently we're fairly well known for what we do. go figure.
To Tomorrow’s Highways - EP - 2000
LosingToday Magazine Issue 4 - Compilation - 2001
Test tones v.1 on Tonevendor - Compilation - 2002
Your Everything on Alison Records (Europe only) - Album - 2003
Pacific Union on Clairecords & Vinyl Junkie (Japan) - Compilation - 2003
Your Everything on Clairecords (worldwide) - Album - 2004
Club AC30 Singles Compilation 1 (UK) - Single - 2004 - (Zephyrs/Ulrich Schnauss, Air Formation)
LosingToday Magazine Issue 5 - Compilation - 2004
Bliss Of Life on Auralgasms - Compilation - 2005
Notes From Claire on Clairecords - Compilation - 2005
More Pending…
we won’t bore you with all the reviews we’ve received that bands like to heap on around this spot in their profiles. we are secure in ourselves and our music and believe you can make your own decision and don’t need to be told by a “reviewer†what is good. but if you’d like to read them for whatever reason (and they are all smashing reviews btw) or would like more information on the band, go to our website . Or at our label's website clairecords . Apparently we’re “old school†and actually have a website other than a myspace page…
if you'd like to purchase the album, you can get it from darla, insound, parasol, blah, blah, most cool indepedant record shops, many tower records overseas, itunes or just about any music download service legal or illegal OR our personal preference, the greatest shoegaze/dreampop/most things musically good online store: toneVENDOR .
also, if you'd like to see some amazingly vivid, beautiful and inspiring independant videos set to various bands music (BRMC, BJM, Skywave, Highspire and more), check out Takako's site troublemaker films .