Member Since: 11/3/2006
Band Members: Come watch the original Tiger in action again Tiger and his son Jermaine Only on pause"The accident never really stop me, it only pause mi. It was for a worthy cause so I could learn who my true friends are," he said.It was a tough lesson to learn. It turned out many of his followers were only around him for what they could get. In the aftermath of the accident, those who had benefited from Tiger were nowhere to be found. In retrospect, that was quite a price to pay to know who friends are.But though he has been off the scene for a while, Tiger is far from being forgotten. There is no doubt in Tiger's mind that had it not been for the accident he would still be right up there with any other artiste."I would be at the level, not on top. But mi want dem stop di war lyrics. It nah help dem; it nah help nobody," Tiger said.Recently, Kiprich and Left Side did an impersonation of Tiger and Zebra on a single. Tiger said he owns a copy of the single. He actually does not mind them doing it, once it is for the right reason. "I kinda feel like dem a live offa mi, but it's good to know dem have me on a pedestal. Just don't do it because you a wanga gut," he said.
Tiger In The Light Space
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