JESUS CHRIST and serving Him, Jesus must be the center of your life for you to be in the center of God's awesome will in your life
If you struggle with addictions and want to get freedom there is help and hope!........... here are some sites that also can help: dict
Anything that glorifies God, what goes in comes out.
Guard your eyes: The light of the body is the eye. Therefore if your eye is sound, your whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:22
Temptation- an outward solicitation to evil that touches on an inner propensity to do wrong. When you allow your eyes to feast on the forbidden, the result will be great folly. "I have made a covenant with my eyes; why then should I look upon a young woman?" Job 31:1.................Temptation comes in 4 forms: What you SEE, What you FEEL, What you SENSE, and What you THINK
Read the Word of God! Jesus used it to counter satan in the wilderness and satan left and it is "sharper then a double-edged sword"
Jesus Christ, Heros of the Faith, Martyrs, my prayer buddy Brittany, and some others. YOU NEED to get someone to PRAY with you and for you every day! Get someone who is stronger in God than you are and learn thier godly traits!Sweetly Broken Video
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