I have been releasing music in various rock and electronic genres since 1992. Fonya was the band name I used for my solo work in the 1990s - I recorded my first Fonya CD, Wanderers of the Neverending Night , for the Kinesis (then Kinetic Discs) label in 1992 followed by Soul Travels in 1993 on the same label. After college graduation in 1993, I worked around the US as an electrical engineer for various microprocessor development firms while continuing to release more Fonya music with Kinesis, including In Flux , Earth Shaper , and Perfect Cosmological Principle .
My sixth Fonya album, Upper Level Open Space , was released in 1999 on the Musea label in France. I also contributed tracks to the Italian Mellow Records label’s Camel tribute, Harbour of Joy, their Gentle Giant tribute, Giant for a Life, and their tribute to Italian progressive rock of the Seventies, Zarathustra’s Revenge. My seventh and last Fonya CD was a body of vocal progressive rock called Sunset Cliffs released in 2000. With the Fonya project complete, I began playing drums and under the new band name Centric Jones released the Phase Rotator Retard album in 2002. In that same year I formed the tongue-in-cheek metal band Whackenhutt and released some music in the techno/trance genre as Spaceman C .
In 2004, I incorporated my growing studio as Earth Shaper Audio LTD . This has provided an avenue to meet and collaborate with an increasing number of creative musicians. There are currently some exciting musical collaborations in the works - a new CD featuring much of this material is due for release this year - stay tuned for more info!Finally, Tobe London and I have brought Centric Jones back to life as Colorodo’s premiere prog-rock band! Some of these songs are posted here, but be sure to visit the Centric Jones website at www.myspace.com/centricjones for many more Centric Jones tunes and info about the band.