Virtual Gig profile picture

Virtual Gig

About Me

The Official Song for the Campaign "Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs" by Lee Mitchell
La Canción Oficial para la Campaña "Evita Embarazo Imprevisto SIN Medicamentos Anticonceptivas" por Lee Mitchell
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Our mission is to empower women with the ability to choose when to become pregnant and men to avoid being trapped in a relationship due to unplanned pregnancy. Ultimately contribute to the reduction of global population by CHOICE using knowledge.
This page is dedicated to the awareness campaign “Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs -- YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become Parent!".
Visit the Official Launch Site.
We need your support. Please donate to the cause.
You can download a copy of Pett Corby..s book in English here, and Spanish
Pett Corby, Founder of the campain talking about THE DANGER OVERPOPULATION CAUSES TO OUR PLANET ...
TOO MANY PEOPLE by Sir Paul McCartney
Too Many People Lyrics by Paul McCartney
Too Many People Going Underground Too Many Reaching For A Piece Of Cake Too Many People Pulled And Pushed Around Too Many Waiting For That Lucky Break That Was Your First Mistake You Took Your Lucky Break And Broke It In Two Now What Can Be Done For You You Broke It In Two
Too Many People Sharing Party Lines Too Many People Never Sleeping Late Too Many People Paying Parking Fines Too Many Hungry People Losing Weight
That Was Your First Mistake You Took Your Lucky Break And Broke It In Two Now What Can Be Done For You You Broke It In Two
Too Many People Preaching Practices Don't Let Them Tell You What You Wanna Be Too Many People Holding Back, This Is Crazy And Maybe It's Not Like Me
That Was Your Last Mistake I Find My Love Awake And Waiting To Be Now What Can Be Done For You
She's Waiting For Me

My Interests


Member Since: 4/12/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: VirtualGigS is created in support of awareness campaign “Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs, YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become Parent!" started by Petya (Pett) Corby on 12 Jan 2008. She is the author of "How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy Every Time You Have Sex - WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs". Her mission is to raise awareness to these critical topics.

Pett began campaigning on her own inspired by the UK Health Minister’s decision to introduce contraceptive drugs for FREE to still developing, healthy under-16-years old children. Since then, her movement receives a great deal of support from parents, students, health specialists and many musicians who contribute songs to this movement, playing on this site now. The move is endorsed by Doug Wead, a presidential historian; author of "Raising of a President" a trilogy on the first family.

VirtualGigS is Pett's dream - now reality! Her vision is to grow the campaign, put a multi-CD-album together and play the songs at live gigs all over the world! The global tour of the growing VirtualGigS band will start from Seville, Spain. Pett aims to make people aware that they CAN SUCCESSFULLY avoid unplanned pregnancy everywhere, every time at no cost and toxic side effects!

Why this is important?

Unplanned pregnancy is the cause of abortion, dropping out of school and illiteracy among the female population in poor countries. Unplanned pregnancy also contributes to career upheavals, broken relationships and forced marriages. Now a major issue in the 21st Century, unplanned pregnancy contributes to child poverty and overpopulation - “The real problem is that there are too many of us - using too many resources - too fast.” comments Richard Heinberg Author, “The Party is Over - Oil, War and the Industrial Societies” a scientist on Leonardo di Caprio's amazing awareness video, “The 11th Hour.”

Quotes from other names featured in “The 11th Hour”.

“If human beings are the source of the problem, we can be the foundation of the solution.” Wade David Explorer-in-Residence, National Geographic Society

“What I hear in my dreams is generations in the future screaming back to us in time saying, "What are you doing? Don,t you see?!" We are causing the devastation to our very foundations to our life system that has given us birth. And we are ultimately committing suicide.” Paul Stamets Mythologists, Founder, Fungi Perfecti

* * *

Overpopulation is not only a problem of the poor. The National Population Institute predicts the United States will reach 430 million people by 2050, while India is going to double its population by 2040. The United States has the highest rate of unplanned pregnancy in the entire developed world after about half a century of contraceptive drug-use... followed by the United Kingdom...

Poor & rich are in the same boat quite literary this time now!

It's time to make a difference!

If you'd like to join the noise by posting a comment and/or contribute a song to the movement and become a part of the Band, please do!! Email us!!

The VirtualGigS Band is:

Petya (Pett) Corby, Pett Corby Productions - Founder, Producer and Author
Doug Wead -- Presidential historian and New York Times bestselling author. He has been an advisor to two American presidents and served in the White House as special assistant to the president under George Herbert Walker Bush.
Lee Mitchell
Chris Fournier
Theodore -- QettSevOn
Pat Mastelotto
Fabulous Hats
Tanya Lynn, Tanya Michell Inc. -- Co-Producer & Business Director, Unplanned Pregnancy Project
Aaron English
Jim & Katie -- Blessed Out Loud
Jake Riley
Anthony Mitchell -- the RejectKid
Dr Gerry Patnode Ed.D. -- Professor of Leadership and Management York College of Pennsylvania (USA). Successful candidate holding community and township office and also run for the Maryland Legislature and the U.S. Senate in Maryland.
Peter Hepworth
DEPAVERS -- Jan Lundberg, Ecologist, anti-road activist, publisher and musician, Spring Lundberg and Ayr

and growing ...


Please email Pett at or [email protected] to take part in a radio/TV panel and a documentary film.


VirtualGigS ha sido creado en apoyo de la campaña de concienciación "La conexión entre el embarazo imprevisto y calentamiento climático" empezado por Petya (Pett) Corby el 12 de enero 2008. Ella es la autora de "Cómo prevenir un embarazo imprevisto cada vez que tienes sexo - SIN usar medicamentos anticonceptivos". Su misión es suscitar el conocimiento a este crítico asunto.

Pett empezó la campaña en solitario, inspirada por la decisión del Ministro de Salud del Reino Unido (Lord Darzi) de entregar medicamentos anticonceptivos - GRATIS - a niñas todavía por debajo de los 16 años de edad. Desde entonces, su movimiento recibe mucho apoyo de padres, estudiantes, especialistas de salud y muchos músicos que tocando sus canciones en esta página contribuyen con este movimiento. La causa está aprobada por Doug Wead, un historiador presidencial, autor de “Raising of a President” una trilogía en la primera familia.

¡VirtualGigS es el sueño de Pett - ahora realidad! ¡Mira hacia el crecimiento de la campaña, publicar un álbum multi-CD y tocar las canciones en Festivales en directo por todo el mundo! La gira mundial de VirtualGigS comenzará en Sevilla, España.

Pett aspira a que las personas se conciencien que pueden evitar EXITOSAMENTE el embarazo imprevisto donde quiera que estén y cada vez sin ningún coste ni efectos secundarios tóxicos.

¿Por qué es esto importante?

El embarazo imprevisto es la causa del aborto, provocando el abandono de la escuela y alimentando el analfabetismo entre la población femenina en países pobres. El embarazo imprevisto también contribuye a trastornos en carreras profesionales, relaciones rotas y casamientos forzados.

Ahora un asunto mayor en el siglo XXI es que el embarazo imprevisto contribuye a la pobreza en los niños y superpoblación - "El problema verdadero es que hay demasiados de nosotros - utilizando demasiados recursos - demasiado rápido", comenta Richard Heinberg, un científico autor de “The Party is Over - Oil, War and the Industrial Societies”, que aparece entrevistado en el asombroso video de Leonardo di Caprio, "La Hora undécima".

“Si los seres humanos son la fuente del problema, nosotros podemos ser la base de la solución". Por Wade David, explorador en residencia, Sociedad Geográfica Nacional.

"Lo que oigo en mis sueños son las generaciones en el futuro chillando atrás de nosotros diciendo: “¿Que estáis haciendo? ¡¿No veis?!” Causamos la devastación a los cimientos de nuestro sistema de vida. Y nosotros estamos, a fin de cuentas, suicidándonos". Paul Stamets Mitólogo, el Fundador, Fungí Perfecti

* * *

La superpoblación no es un problema solamente del pobre. El Instituto Nacional de la Población predice que Estados Unidos alcanzará 430 millones de personas para el año 2050, mientras India duplicará su población para el año 2040. Estados Unidos tiene la tasa más alta de embarazo imprevisto en todo el mundo desarrollado después de casi medio siglo de uso de métodos anticonceptivos, seguido por el Reino Unido...

¡Pobres & Ricos estamos en el mismo barco esta vez!

¡YA es el tiempo de hacer una diferencia!

¡Si usted quiere unirse al “ruido” envié un comentario y si quiere contribuir con una canción al movimiento y llegar a ser una parte de la Banda, hazlo por favor!! ¡Mándenos un correo electrónico!!

La Banda de VirtualGigS es:

Petya (Pett) Corby, Pett Corby Producciones - Fundadora, Productora y Autora
Doug Wead -- historiador presidencial y autor de más exito del New York Times. Ha sido un consejero para dos presidentes americanos y ha servido en la Casa Blanca como asistente especial bajo el presidente George Herbert Walker Bush.
Lee Mitchell
Chris Fournier
Theodore QettSevOn
Pat Mastelotto
Fabulous Hats
Tanya Lynn, Tanya Michell S.a. --- Co-Productora & Directora de Negocio, para el Proyecto Embarazo Imprevisto
Aaron English
Jim & Katie -- Blessed Out Loud
Jake Riley
Anthony Mitchell - the RejectKid
Dr Gerry Patnode -- El profesor del Liderazgo y Gestión, Colegio de York de Pennsylvania (Estado Unido)
Peter Hepworth
DEPAVERS -- Jan Lundberg, El ecólogo, activista anti camino, editor y músico, Spring Lundberg y Ayr

Y creciendo...


Por favor contacta con Pett a través de o [email protected] para tomar parte en programas de radio, televisión o película documental.
Record Label: VirtualGigS - Unsigned

My Blog


I'm writing to you today because I am launching my Global Awareness Campaign with Virtual Gigs* tour around the world for the next 10 years spreading my message: "Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Con...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 14:20:00 GMT


Culture Change Friday, 22 August 2008Unplanned Pregnancy (UP) is Integrally Linked to Climate Change Written by Pett (Petya) Corby Overpopulation and rapidly depleting natural resources are engage...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 01:29:00 GMT


"I support Pett Corby in her effort to reduce global population." Doug Wead -- Presidential historian and New York Times bestselling author, an advisor to two American presidents, served in the White...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:53:00 GMT


Please take part in the debate, "Drug-free methods for avoiding unplanned pregnancy Vs. Side-effects contraceptive drugs. Where do you stand?"   Give opinion. Vent a story related to unplanned ...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 02:55:00 GMT

Media Kit

We are pleased to provide you with all materials necessary to assist you tell your story about the VirtualGigS awareness campaign "Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs" and explain th...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 23:47:00 GMT


Petya (Pett) Corby, Pett Corby Productions -  Founder, Producer and Author  --- At the age of 26 she had already had a complete set of successful multimedia creative experience  worked for...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 13:14:00 GMT

Why Advertise With Us?

We aim to promote "Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs" globally using all media known to man: Internet, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, TV, Film, Live Gigs, T-Shirts, etc. You/your pr...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:23:00 GMT

Media Requests - Local, National and International

VirtualGigS awareness campaign "Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs" team understands and appreciates the value of editorial coverage and is pleased to offer to journalist background...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 09:08:00 GMT

ABOUT Political Support

Doug Wead is a presidential historian, philanthropist and public speaker and New York Times bestselling author. He has been an advisor to two American presidents and served in the White House as speci...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 00:13:00 GMT