Steve profile picture


We don't stop playing because we're old; we grow old because we stop playing. -George Bernard Shaw

About Me

actor, club promoter, life enthusiast, goal attainer, and dog lover."It's important to say that actors can't act alone, it's impossible. What we have to do is support each other... Actors have to have each others' backs. It's the only way to act well is when you know the other actor has your back..."
- Philip Seymour Hoffman, 2006 SAG Awards"Being an actor is a hell of a thing. It's a hell of a thing. It's up and down. It's great, but I found the best thing about it is hanging around the craft service table with other actors and crew people, eating doughnuts."
- Paul Giamatti, 2006 SAG Awards Steve Lee - Demo Reel - Rough

Add to My Profile | More VideosMAY DAY
48 Hour Film Project
Oozing Sarcasm Productions, 2008
Dir: Jason Colston/Wil McMillen
48 Hour Film Project
Oozing Sarcasm Productions, 2006
Dir: Jason Colston/Wil McMillen
Yes Productions, 2006
Dir: Jamie Vermilye
Imminent Productions, 2005
Dir: Justin Dillard / Gus Sacks
Drexel Univ Student Film, 2005
Dir: Josh Smith
48 Hour Film Project
Oozing Sarcasm Productions, 2005
Dir: Jason Colston/Wil McMillen
Manassah Films, 2004
Dir: Michelle Manassah

My Interests

WE DID IT! I WON!!! Thanks to everyone that voted for me!
Derek Monologue 1
Derek Monologue 2

Envin Audition Video
Round 2 Monologue Submission

(The original monologue is RJ from "Risk Everything" by George F. Walker) Full resume available upon request

I'd like to meet:

J.Depp and Angie Jolie. O snap.


theSpeaks (, 311, Linkin Park, Norah Jones, Alicia Keys, Dave Matthews, Staind, Velvet Revolver, The Roots, No Doubt, Blink, Biggie, JayZ, Beyonce, Poison, GnR, Bon Jovi, Strawman, Spectre, Evenout, Sucka Brown, Junkfood, Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, CrashBoomBang... there's always more but those are at the top of my list...


TRANSFORMERS THE MOVIE! Both the 80's animated film and the yet to be released live action film due out next 4th of July. How can it be a fave before you've seen it you ask? Trust me, itz gonna be hot... wait, wait for it... ahhh, see... so good it makes your pants tight!


24, HEROES, Lost and Smallville... altho it feels like AGES since I've seen a new episode or 24 or Heroes!!! PLEASE HURRY AND BRING THEM BACK PRONTO! I'M DYIN' HERE!!


Does the crossword in the Washington Post count? Most recent books I've read from lastest to most recent: DreamCatcher, Prey, all of Dan Brown's novels... all of which were excellent, The Taking by Dean Koontz and of course my fave book of all time is Go Dog Go!



My Blog

May Day 48 Hour Film Project 2008 Oozing Sarcasm Productions Dir; Jason Colston/Wil McMillen...
Posted by Steve on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:20:00 PST

The Ruins

I just finished reading this book and it is awesome! I like it alot. Now I wanna see the movie that much more even though I know it's not going to come anywhere close to the book. I can already tell f...
Posted by Steve on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 12:37:00 PST

Were Engaged!

Thanks to everyone who made it out and was able to share one of the most amazing and craziest nights of my life and thanks to everyone for all the voicemails, texts, messages and well wishes! Love you...
Posted by Steve on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 05:23:00 PST

crappy headphones!

Aight - so last nite I bought some new headphones from Best Buy. They are the Apple in-ear headphones and were $60. Well, they're crap. They're too tinty and "trebley". When I turn up the bass with th...
Posted by Steve on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 01:13:00 PST

MMmmm, Turkey and Stuffing!

So I just got back from lunch and had a most tasty sandwich from Cosi. They have a holiday sandwich that is just turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce and it was DEELISH! I got it w/out the sauce cuz ...
Posted by Steve on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:26:00 PST

itz been a long time...

...i shouldn'ta left you, without a dope blog to read thru... So itz been a minute since I've posted anything up here. I have to admit, I've just gotten real lazy with blogs, myspace, facebook, f...
Posted by Steve on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 08:35:00 PST


...the San Francisco treat!!! HOLLA! I'm leavin' for San Fran in 3 hours, WOO!!! Aight - I'm still a bit buzzed from karaoke tonight but itz all good cuz as I always say: Sleep!? I'll sleep on da plan...
Posted by Steve on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:27:00 PST

2 Things for your Monday...

Aight - so my show, NUTSHELL, opened last Friday and we've done a totalof 3 shows to great audiences and itz goin very well! We've only got oneshow left tomorrow night at 9:45pm! For all the info, vis...
Posted by Steve on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 04:26:00 PST


That's right people! The show I'm in, NUTSHELL, as part of the 2nd AnnualDC Capital Fringe Festival opens today at 2pm!! If you can't make it today, wedo have shows tomorrow, Sunday, and Tuesday night...
Posted by Steve on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:41:00 PST


Here is some info on a film I did a l'il while ago that will be screening next month: DATE NUMBER ONE comedy about several first datesa movie by sujewa ekanayakeThu July 12 ...
Posted by Steve on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 07:41:00 PST