Baseball, Cats, Hobo Matters, Asian Boys, and collecting museum-quality Victorian and early 20th-century wicker furniture.
I never know what to say in these things, I mean how do you sum yourself up in a paragraph? Let's see firstly I'm looking to meet people that are funny, funnyness is very important to me with friends or people I date. I get along better with people who have a good well rounded sense of humor, it helps me to bond. I like reading, baseball, cooking, writing or playing video games in my spare time (I count the gym as work, not a spare time activity). I'd like to meet people that are smart also, i.e. capable of holding up their end of a conversation on anything from nursery rhymes to the current state of the Likkud party.I dig white and asian guys. White guys are fun to look at, but I only date asians.
Zladko Vladcik, Sublime, Miles Davis, The Dead, The Bryan Gosselin Project
Not so into movies, they tend to bore me. I'm much more of a book person, except for that "lord of the rings" shit which is horrible as a movie or a book. Ayn Rand could have inserted a pen into her anus and scratched out a more entertaining tale upon the I-10 between Tucson and El Paso.
Dallas, baseball and anything about Nazis
Top 5: Midnight's Children, Atlas Shrugged, Godaan, The Russian Debutant's Handbook, and the Pillars of the Earth
Karl Pilkington, Larry David, Digger Barnes and Gabriel Mrad