Noothies. profile picture


I'm too fucking lazy to be gay.

About Me

Outside, inside, anything to keep me physically active and/or intellectually stimulated.

I'm just lookin to be.

My Interests

Internet, porn, beer, pot, sex, money, food, and sleeping. Oh yeah, and pooping.

I'd like to meet:

Someone to waste my time...

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Anything with a good beat or melody structure. Synthetic beats are good stuff.


It's much easier for women to be androgynous then men. Women can act masculine and be OK, but men can definitely NOT be feminine.


Fuck tv in the ass.


Sports subtitude disclosure with affection?

You cant get your heart broken if u dont give a fuck about someone. Not giving a fuck is the way to be.


"Most likely to secede."

The highest capacity of love is between two men, because men have the same human understanding/human intelect.