Expirasin profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

If you don't know who I am yet, I don't blame you. I sometimes don't know myself. My name is Nari Ponder, AKA Expirasin.I got the name Expirasin from an online friend from the past who said that I have no said date to when I will stop doing what I do. It's been sticking for almost 3 years.I am a writer, producer, rapper, and a multimedia specialist. I work mainly with software for computers and spend most of my computer time doing internet work, accepting new clients as they come along the road. For a sample of my work you can check out my site at http://expirasin.com. I enjoy boxing, wrestling, cartoons, and the net, among other things. I spend a lot of my time continuing my quest for peace of mind and preparing for battle against myself, enemies, and those who hurt my friends. I have recently finished Act One of "The Secret of Nada" which I am working on with a beautiful artist named Christina Brooks, who can be found on my Top friends. Dragon Crisis coming soon...Most importantly, I am the cofounder of Boxeogirls, an independent company based mainly around women's boxing. We do comics and merchandising, and one day hope to cover promotion, but one step at a time.My talents recently got me a deal with David Alvarez writing the screenplay to "Yenny: The Movie". I am writing it now as we speak.From time to time I like to work on my production and rapping so I don't get too rusty. My first mixtape is slowly in production.

My Interests

Boxing, wrestling, writing, cartoons, the internet

I'd like to meet:



My favorite types of music are Rap and Death Metal. But I'm not afraid to pull out some Jazz every once in a while.


Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Clerks and Clerks 2, Rocky, Knockout, the "Beef" documentaries, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Perfect Blue, Fist of the North Star, any DBZ movie, anything by Kevin SmithI'm also a huge action movie fan.


WWE Raw, TNA Impact, Chappelle's Show, anything on Cartoon Network, a few shows on Nickelodeon, anything with action-packed fake ass kicking and supercool hairstyles.


Hagakure: the Book of the Samurai, the Catcher in the Rye


Anyone who holds the weight of the world on their shoulders with a smile on their face.

My Blog

Thoughts: Gettem Out already

This is too fucking short to be called Desperate Thinking.  But I gotta get it out the way.Parents, whoop your kids.  Not to cause physical harm, but to establish boundaries early on.  ...
Posted by Expirasin on Fri, 09 May 2008 12:05:00 PST

Desperate Thinking: Thirsty Ghetto Earth Week

This is my second time writing this.  The first draft was rudely destroyed thanks to complications with writing on myspace.  Once again, Tom, if I find you, I will kill you.  "What, fi...
Posted by Expirasin on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 01:36:00 PST

Desperate Thinking: No Iron For Old Characters

    You my friend, are in for a surprise.  You see, I have news and experiences for you.  I don't know if these experiences will change your life, you may even feel like these...
Posted by Expirasin on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:06:00 PST

I need YouR HELP!!!!!!

For those who know, I am filled with hellafied things to do right now.  But there's even more.  By the 16th of June, I must come up with a short film script for a screenplay contest.&nb...
Posted by Expirasin on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:25:00 PST

Desperate Thinking: Kilobyte Fruit on a Limewire Tree

Ladies and gentlemen this blog is scheduled for 10 rounds and is for the "Desperate Thinking Championship"& in this corner& from Jackson and Meridian, MS& at 5’10", weighing in at 217 lbs& the ...
Posted by Expirasin on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:58:00 PST

Desperate Thinking: Mississippi Mudfritters recipe

I felt obligated to do this session of blogging because I'm in the middle of my writing my first pilot and my mind ran aloft watching Aisha Tyler videos on myspace, so I knew something was wrong with ...
Posted by Expirasin on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 03:52:00 PST


I've gone from this... To this... Wish me luck, first day's on Monday....
Posted by Expirasin on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 05:52:00 PST

Desperate Thinking: The Recipe for Syndrome

(What I'd look like as a girl, if not worse...Thanks to CJ for this...)    So what the fuck's been going on you ask?  I ditched two blogs in the past four days because for one, I g...
Posted by Expirasin on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:27:00 PST

Desperate Thinking: Before My Work Out

             No real introduction necessary.  Just letting my body hydrate again from all that beer before I start the routine.  Let's g...
Posted by Expirasin on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:51:00 PST

Finding Timed Winds: A Poem

Finding Timed Winds (AKA Fuck the World) by Expirasin       People often say "Fuck the world" sometimes Knowing little of their own mortality Questioning the depths of age and evolution...
Posted by Expirasin on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:50:00 PST