The Steve Wilkos Show profile picture

The Steve Wilkos Show


About Me


Steve Wilkos, the highly recognizable former U.S. Marine, Chicago police officer and popular TV veteran, is the host the new one-hour daily series “The Steve Wilkos Show,” premiering September 10, 2007. With over 14 years of experience in daytime television, Wilkos is now front-and-center in his new nationally syndicated talk show, sticking up for people and doling out his own version of justice.
Drawing on experience from his days in the military and in law enforcement, Wilkos takes the 'protect and serve' approach to his daily show, responding to the problems of his guests as he would respond to a 911 call. During each episode, Wilkos, a father of two, will use his tough love approach with guests, finding the fastest and best resolution possible for issues such as domestic violence, drug abuse, teen pregnancy and gang affiliation. Wilkos brings street credibility to families in crisis that are looking for straight talk and understanding from a no-nonsense host.

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"Many of the guests who come on my show are facing serious problems and are crying out for help from someone who has their best interests at heart," says the 6-foot-3 Wilkos. "I believe the morale code I was taught during my Marine training, the street smarts I picked up as a police officer, and the patience and compassion I have developed from becoming a father, has prepared me to help my guests get through the hard times they are facing."
Wilkos’ popularity skyrocketed several years ago when "The Jerry Springer Show" began running "Steve to the Rescue" episodes, and for the last two seasons, Wilkos filled in as host for Springer on a regular basis, bringing his unique style to dealing with the guests and their individual dilemmas.
Need a little excitement?
Take a break from your normal day and attend a FREE taping of Steve's BRAND NEW television show, The Steve Wilkos Show! Please book your tickets as soon as possible in order to guarantee your spot in our audience. Call 312-836-3400 now, and become a part of television history!