Chloe profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, I'm Cloe! I am a 15 year old tabby cat that was rescued by Granma from a trailer litter. I was the runt, so of coure she picked me! I live with my big brother and best friend, Morris in my Grampa's house in St. Louis. Our Aunt Jessica lives with us too, and we get lots of love! I am usually found in her bed, or in Grampa's lap when he sits in his recliner.
When Granma found me, Morris and an outside kitty named Tony lived at our house, and Grampa didn't want another kitty at all! But he was stuck on bedrest from back surgery, so he couldn't go very far. I decided to put on my charms and I would climb up in bed with him and curl up in the crick of his neck and shoulder and we would take naps together. Since then, I have been his favorite!
I run the house, and I am a pretty princess! I love attention and I love to give kisses and give massages! Morris and I are strictly inside kitties, and are both declawed and fixed. We wouldn't have it any other way!
R.I.P. Morris A.K.A. Momo 1989-2007 For whatever life you lead

My Interests

shedding everywhere, rolling around on the carpet, hissing at the dogs, sleeping, laying in the sun light, meowing at Mommy, sleeping, eating, going potty on Granma's mats, sleeping, drinking lots of water, hanging out with Mommy when she's in the bathroom, sleeping, stretching, throwing up on the carpet, chewing on the plants, sleeping.

I'd like to meet:

Other Myspace pets :)

A Survey for Pets!

What type of pet are you? kitty!
What is your name? Morris and Cloe
What other nicknames do you have? MoMo and Clo, AKA-Moochie
What is your favorite treat? lunchmeat
What would your owner describe you as? two old kittie. Grampa calls Cloe a pest...
What is the funniest thing you have done? Cloe once passed out from smelling horseradish.
What is the bravest thing you have done? not a thing. we're pretty lazy...
Yes or No
Are you neutered? and spayed!
Are you a social animal? yes we are! we love company!
Are you always doing something bad when nobody is looking? no, not really
Are you friendly? yes, pet us please!!!
Are you overweight? Cloe is.
Do you like warm milk? No, makes MoMo throw up
Do you eat cheese? Cloe does
Do you eat bugs? Cloe loves em!
Do you live with other animals? Jessica and Grampa....
Do you like being in the house more than being outside? yes, we're scared to go outside
Do you like to exercise? no way!
Do you like car rides? double no way!
Do you get into stuff? usually the cat food bag ;)
Do you get along with your mommy or daddy? Mommy and Jessica and Grampa
Do you like to swim? triple no way!
Do you chase laser pen dots? hehe, love it!
And finally, Do you love your mommy or daddy? of course we do!



Whatever is on. But we relly like Animal Planet.


we can't read


Grampa John, and Grama Esther. They found us and took us home!


My Blog

pray for my Mom and Granma!

Mommy is still having a hard time finding a new job somewhere. I really want to stay where we are at here in California, but it's not looking so good right now.   There may be a chance we can go ...
Posted by Chloe on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:40:00 PST

life in Cali

I am happy here in California with Mommy. The house we are in is something called a hotel, and is nice, but is too small for me really.I have been spending alot of my time sleeping on the bed while Mo...
Posted by Chloe on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:14:00 PST

Jessie’s Blog about Momo

..>   Thank you for the kind words jessie, I love you!     R.I.P. MOMO Current mood: sad On  August 14,2007  my dad and I had to rush my sisters' and my cat to the animal...
Posted by Chloe on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:04:00 PST

I’m a California Cat!

Well, Mommy got a job in Palo Alto, California, so I had to move with her. She was living and working up in Alaska where I wasn't allowed. So she was hapy to take me with her. But let me tell you, the...
Posted by Chloe on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 09:52:00 PST

We miss our Mommy :(

Well, our Mommy has been in Nome, Alaska since November. We miss her alot. She left us in St. Louis with Grampa, and he treats us really good. Our Aunt Jessica lives there too and gives us lots of lov...
Posted by Chloe on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 03:39:00 PST