Pro: Joanjetta por vida, Schadenfreude, Texas, new adventures, classroom antics, denim, inkification, feedback, adidas, being monolingual, dirty movies, doin' shit the hard way, pho, British bikes (and the occasional Guzzi), screaming my lungs out, pretending I'm cool, staving off the inevitable, killing myself slowly with alcohol and self-loathing, kittens, the eternal struggle betwixt mod and rocker.
Con: Having my picture taken, Arizona, goat cheese, being cold, Hip hop "culture", insomnia.
The Panasonic DVX100B. Santa?
Now Wave
The scary, the shitty, and the smutty. Lady Vengeance, Fudoh, Oldboy, Rififi, Spirit of The Beehive, Save the Green Planet, Youth Of The Beast, Black Sunday, Vanishing Point, I Drink Your Blood, Street Trash, Porn, Death Race 2000, Band of Outsiders, Straw Dogs, Matango, Eyes Without A Face, Wages Of Fear, Nights Of Cabiria, Coffin Joe stuff, Touchez Pas Au Grisbi, Fists in The Pocket, Curse Of the Crying Woman, Hammer, Amicus and Shaw Bros flix, etc etc.
Barbarians, Cthulhu, Robots, Detectives. Preferably all four.