Summertime Lisa! profile picture

Summertime Lisa!

It's that time of year again.

About Me

Old enough to know better.

My Interests

In no particular order: Singing. Maker's Manhattans. Snogging. Laughing. Traveling. BBQs. Beer. Camping. Cheese. Board games. Happy Hour. Camel Lights. Dancing. Fancy champagne. Shoes. Foie gras. Thunderstorms. Gardenias. Handbags. Sleeping. Jameson. Cashmere. Brunch. Paris. Music. Movies. NYC. TeeVee. Drive-ins. Amsterdam. Sunday mornings with Top Pot and the NYT in bed. Fancy dinners. SF. Friends. My new apartment. Dive bars. Pretending I'm fine. The ocean. You know, lots of stuff.

I'd like to meet:

My ladies in Cannes...Mr. Sugar in Malta...C and T in family at the beach...and all my friends at Sun Liquor on the 20th.






I miss it. Sometimes.


Have been keeping me up past my bed time...well, when the whiskey doesn't.



My Blog


Well, this is it. The last day of the shittiest year of my life (thus far). Can't say I'm sad to see it go. However, I also can't conscionably say it was all bad. Without all of the crap things t...
Posted by Fleur-de-Lisa on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 10:02:00 PST

How's this for evil?

So, I am in still in Peru, Cusco to be exact and I just got back from dinner with my family. Tonight we decided to go for the local specialty known as cuy (coo-ee). Cuy is guinea pig. Yes, the same li...
Posted by Fleur-de-Lisa on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 08:57:00 PST

In 24 hours...

I'll be on my way to Peru. Nutty. ...
Posted by Fleur-de-Lisa on Wed, 31 May 2006 11:26:00 PST