In no particular order: Singing. Maker's Manhattans. Snogging. Laughing. Traveling. BBQs. Beer. Camping. Cheese. Board games. Happy Hour. Camel Lights. Dancing. Fancy champagne. Shoes. Foie gras. Thunderstorms. Gardenias. Handbags. Sleeping. Jameson. Cashmere. Brunch. Paris. Music. Movies. NYC. TeeVee. Drive-ins. Amsterdam. Sunday mornings with Top Pot and the NYT in bed. Fancy dinners. SF. Friends. My new apartment. Dive bars. Pretending I'm fine. The ocean. You know, lots of stuff.
My ladies in Cannes...Mr. Sugar in Malta...C and T in family at the beach...and all my friends at Sun Liquor on the 20th.
I miss it. Sometimes.
Have been keeping me up past my bed time...well, when the whiskey doesn't.